Friday, April 1, 2022

Biden issued an executive order banning April Fools Day.

 President Joe Biden doesn't like April Fools Jokes because he was born in January, so he's taking harmonica lessons to make up for it...  






Wayne Pankratz, an exec for American Franchise Capital, which owns a reported 50 Applebee’s locations across the Midwest, believes the restaurant could benefit from a number of factors, including inflation, the gas price spike, and lack of government aid, impacting the lives of everyday Americans.
“As inflation continues to climb and gas prices continue to go up, that means more hours employees will need to work to maintain their current level of living,” Pankratz wrote. “We are no longer competing with the government when it comes to hiring. Stimulus money is no more, supplemental unemployment is no more. This benefits us as prices rise, people who [were] relying on unemployment money, simply will have less money to spend. It will force people back into the work force.” 
In turn, Pankratz believes Applebee’s could capitalize on this situation by offering less money to an anticipated influx of applicants, who are desperate to boost their earnings in the face of trying times and limited options due to competitors crumbling under the weight of increasing demands to compete with its rivals. 






Need a great Mother's Day gift idea? 
It IS in just a few weeks, ya know... 

 The jewelry my wife makes may be perfect for you. 
Click on the picture for more info. 





I had a girlfriend that stupid once...

Arizona's Democrat governor signed a bill on Wednesday requiring voters to prove their citizenship to vote in a presidential election, drawing fierce opposition from voting rights advocates who say it risks affecting some 200,000 people. The bill also requires anyone newly registering to vote to provide proof of their address.
The Legislature’s own lawyers say much of the measure is unconstitutional, directly contradicts a recent Supreme Court decision and is likely to be thrown out in court. Still, voting rights advocates worry the bill is an attempt to get back in front of the now more conservative Supreme Court.











  1. Wayne Pankratz sounds like somebody that's never lived paycheck-to-paycheck in his life.

  2. To vote in Arizona the have to be a citizen - of any country or only US citizen?


Telling the post to shut his piehole? Damn, I wish I coulda done that...

  The full article is here .