Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Playing checkers with a chess master is pointless, Joe

 I'm starting to believe what I've read about Putin - 
that he is a great chess player... 
If you figure out what he's going to achieve by all of this 
Ukraine stuff he's doing, you'll understand his end-game.



Not only does Biden not know where he stands in Putin's game 
here, ole' Joe doesn't even know what game is being played, 
and whether or not he's in the game at all. 

 Russia did say yesterday that some units participating in 
military exercises would begin returning to their bases, adding 
fuel to the idea that the Kremlin may not be planning 
to invade Ukraine at all.


Where ya gonna go and get the quality kinda 
life advice ya get here? Juss' sayin'

He really does come across as some spoiled 
little rich-kid kinda frat-boy jerkoff who 
never got his ass kicked in a schoolyard fight.



Flight map showing over the 140+ private jets that left LA 
after Super Bowl LVI within the first 5+ hours after the game 
ended. It's a tough life, but somebody's gotta live it.


What woman wouldn't love and appreciate 
a gift like something as nice as this?
Click on the picture for information on this item.

Prince Philip, the future husband of Queen Elizabeth II and the future 
Duke of Edinburgh, is pictured with relatives wearing Nazi uniforms at his sister Cecile's funeral procession in Nazi Germany in 1937. He was 16 years old in this picture. He's the guy who died last year.

Cats are liquid...

Her day of reckoning is getting closer and closer.

The Hillary Clinton campaign funded and distributed 
a fictitious Kremlin-sourced dossier meant to embarrass 
and discredit  former President Donald Trump. 
We are now learning that her operatives - acting under 
her direct orders -  were surveilling and collecting the 
former president’s email traffic at his New York home, 
his business and even the White House.


File this under "Gee, we didn't know that was gonna happen...'
Still have one of these old Fred Flintstone flip phones? Yer gonna need to upgrade pretty soon, 'cause it ain't gonna work much longer...

As telecom companies rev up the newest generation of mobile service, 
called 5G, they’re shutting down old networks — a costly, years-in-the-works process that’s now prompting calls for a delay because many products out there still rely on the old standard, 3G.
AT&T is scheduled to be the first carrier to shut down its 3G network on Feb. 22. T-Mobile will shut down its 3G network by summer and Verizon in December.
The home-alarm industry has asked the Federal Communications Commission, the U.S. regulator, to delay AT&T’s network sunset until December. The FCC is monitoring the 3G phase-out and working to “implement safeguards” for older phones and other devices.

I really do hate show-offs...

She may be the least-focused VP our country has 
ever seen. God ferfuckin bid ole' Joe keels over. Can you 
imagine this jackass as Prez? Holy fuck.


The B-52H packs one helluva payload. This 
nearly 70-year-old (although upgraded substantially) 
war horse delivers some serious whoop-ass.

Let me be VERY clear here before I go on about this. 
I am NOT one of those 'anti-vaxxer' people. 
You wanna get those shots? Go right ahead.
I've been saying to anyone who'd care to listen throughout this whole 
covid bullshit clusterfuck that these shots that everyone's so friggin' eager to give and get are not a vaccine at all. They are development-stage treatments that don't work to prevent getting or spreading the disease, and god-only-knows what they'll do to fuck up your DNA and all kinds of other shit down the road.


Need a gift for a loved one? My wife's 
handmade jewelry is a great idea.

 Click on the picture for information on this bracelet.

This is from The Dali Museum in St. Pete. I could post a buncha other pics of the place 
but I really like the simple composition and framing of this shot (the fact that I may have taken this pic does not, in any way, influence my like or dislike of it).  Anyway, if you're ever down that way, it really is a great museum in a place you'd never imagine it'd be. 
Well worth the trip and the time.


This is about following the money. This is about stopping the 
financing of these illegal blockades,” Trudeau’s Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland said at a press conference on Monday. “We are today serving notice if your truck is being used in these illegal blockades your corporate accounts will be frozen.”




  1. The Ukraine mess is the fault of the west. Wanting NATO to expand to the Russian border is as stupid as the Soviets putting nukes in Cuba. See https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=JrMiSQAGOS4 for a good history lesson.

  2. Why is the Frenchman (judging by his hat), next to Prince Philip, standing on one leg?

    1. I think they're marching - there's more than a few one-stumpers there...

  3. Trudeau is just emulating his dad....ol' Fidel would be proud....


And they say WE drink alot?

This is a map of all of the pubs in the UK -  including  England, Scotland and Northern Ireland...     I don't care if it's true or ...