Tuesday, February 1, 2022

I really don't like protests that much, BUT...

 I really like what these truckers are doing in Canada. If they want to, they can crash that country's economy in two days. Fuck mandates... 

In solidarity with their Ottawa counterparts, truckers in at the Alberta / 
Montana border staged what police described as a 'complete blockage' of Highway 4 in Canada's western province. 
The road is a major artery for commercial goods between the nations but truckers have been stuck for days. The blockade has caused major disruption for the tiny village of Coutts with locals unable to reach a local school, supermarket or grocery store. COVID-positive Justin Trudeau has declared that he will not be meeting with truckers currently overrunning Ottawa and Alberta in protest of his vaccine mandate. 
Trudeau, 50, announced Monday that he has tested positive for COVID-19 and is isolating at an undisclosed location after fleeing protest-torn Ottawa with his family. Trudeau said at a press conference Monday he would not meet protesting truckers because of their 'hateful rhetoric'. Fuckin' faggot. 
And I mean that in the nicest way...


  1. Hecklers at future Trudeau gatherings: "HonkHonk!"

    You might want to stick a fork in Trudeau; I think he's done.

  2. Trudeau tested positive?
    How come?
    Didn't he get the jab and the jab and the booster and the booster and the booster and the booster and the booster and the booster and the booster and the booster and the booster and the booster and the booster and the booster and the booster and the booster and the booster?
    Or is he trying tell us that the jab and the jab and the booster and the booster and the booster and the booster and the booster and the booster and the booster and the booster and the booster and the booster and the booster and the booster and the booster and the booster and the booster don't work?

  3. The protest is all well and good and I am 100% in favor of showing the tyrants where We, The People stand. But ...
    The truckers have a double burden in all of this; the first burden is to pay their bills while protesting. They need to be able make their truck payments, housing for their families, groceries, etc. all the while paying taxes to the government that is in hiding. The protest can't last too long or all the participants will go broke and wind up truckless, homeless, and hungry. The government can go on indefinitely producing nothing and not one member of the governing body will miss a single payment or pay check.
    History proves that the tyranny doesn't end until the tyrants are dead.

    1. The government is telling them they cannot make a living if they don't get jabbed. That's about as fucked up as it gets.

    2. There has been over 8 million bucks raised for the truckers - so far.

  4. How ironic that the disarmed Canadians are showing the spine while the American NRA pukes do absolutely nothing.

  5. Let's all just keep our powder dry.....these fucking elites won't give up easily....son of Castro in hiding....that's hilarious....

  6. Send Castro's son to Cuba. According to the left, Cuba has the best socialized medicine in the world.


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