Monday, January 10, 2022

You know you're in a slow news cycle when...

Bob Saget having been found dead in his hotel room is the lead story on every news website. Bob Saget? Jeezzzzzzzzzzzz... 

I wouldn'ta know who this guy is/was if he walked up to me on the street.





Cassandra ‘Elvira’ Peterson lost 11K ‘horny old men’ 
followers after coming out
Cassandra ‘Elvira’ Peterson lost 11K ‘horny old men’ followers after coming out
Cassandra Peterson, aka iconic horror hostess Elvira, Mistress of the Dark, claims she lost 11,000 “horny old men” followers on social media after she came out as queer in September.
“I knew that there were going to be some horny old men out there who were just not going to like the fact that they didn’t have a chance with me anymore,” Peterson joked on Thursday’s episode of David Yontef’s “Behind The Velvet Rope” podcast.
She laughed and added, “and I hate to tell them they already didn’t have a chance of me anyway.”
The 70-year-old “Queen of Halloween” shocked fans last year when she revealed her nearly two-decade-long romance with partner Teresa “T” Wierson.
“[It] flipped everybody out,” she recalled. “Nobody was ready for that. People just said, ‘Elvira, you lied to me. I don’t respect you anymore. Goodbye,'” she said.
Peterson added that her honesty cost her 11,000 followers on social media — though the 60,000 new ones she gained more than made up for the loss.

Why do I find this as funny as I do?




This is too cool - ya gotta watch as they get this guy out of 
the car just seconds before it gets hit by a frikkin' train...

Here's the short video - it's impressive:


You have time to find something
 nice for your wife or girlfriend and 
get it delivered for Valentine's Day

Click on either picture for more info.
There's a lot more different items of her jewelry
 available on Etsy. It's really nice stuff and the prices
 include free shipping to almost anywhere! 

The secret to my success with babes...


Camouflage over the Lockheed Aircraft plant in 
Burbank, CA during World War II, disguising it 
as a sparsely populated rural area.

Have a whacky hypothesis you wanna prove? Coddle together a 
couple of disparate facts and figures and you can damn near prove 
anything - especially if you're a self-described 'expert' on something...




And they say WE drink alot?

This is a map of all of the pubs in the UK -  including  England, Scotland and Northern Ireland...     I don't care if it's true or ...