Sunday, January 23, 2022

If you started counting the lies...

You're lied to every day of your life. If you tried to keep track of them, you'd never have time for anything else...  

I don't need to add a comment here.

I always like to start a post on as up-beat a note as I can muster...


It's a shame we don't see more news reporting here in the States the way they do  it in England. Those fuckers over there are like pitbulls - once they on to your story they're relentless. This Andrew guy is completely fukt.


I mentioned this just slightly yesterday, but it's worth repeating. WTF is attractive about anything to do with this broad? She couldn't be less appealing is she showed selfies of herself taking a dump. I just don't get it...




 Valentine's Day is coming up soon.
Think she'd like something like this?
To see all that my wife has to offer in gift ideas, click on the picture.

This popped up on my homepage yesterday...
I'm starting to think the algorithms that Fakebook uses might 
be just a little fucked up. Haven't they seen a picture of me?

If ya can't read it, it says 'Italian air freshener'.






WTF business is it of Fakebook's to do shit like this? Who's asking them to do it, and - more importantly - why are they doing it? 
I certainly don't wanna hear another stupid fuckin' worthless opinion poll. Do you? Enough with this bullshit, Zuckerface...

Courtesy of Jamie....                            

These are supposedly real foods available in stores 
in England and India and a coupla other places. 
Don't know if they're believable or not. Wasn't 
there some magazine like Cracked or Mad Magazine 
usta do shit like this back in the day? 
I'm just not sure...

You have time to find something
 nice for your wife or girlfriend and 
get it delivered for Valentine's Day

Click on  the picture for more info.
There's a lot more different items of her jewelry
 available on Etsy. It's really nice stuff and the prices
 include free shipping to almost anywhere! 

C'mon, guys - It's just a fuckin' cartoon. A trial court in northern Pakistan’s Rawalpindi city sentenced a 26-year-old Muslim woman to death on Wednesday for blasphemy against Islam after finding her guilty of “sharing images deemed to be insulting to Islam’s Prophet Muhammad and one of his wives” via the instant messaging application WhatsApp.

A federal agent inspects a 'lumber' truck after smelling alcohol during the prohibition period. Los Angeles, 1926 during the Prohibition era. 






  1. NYC should control their local crimnals, not worry about what goes on outside their borders.

  2. Gee Joe --- thanks a lot for the Archie comic.

    Now I'll have Shatner singing in my brain all day.


    1. Is it just me, or is Ol' Archie putting on some pounds?

    2. I post dyke-ish pictures of Betty & Veronica and you're looking at Archie? Hmmmmmmm....


Playing poker weith the boys tonight, so...

Hey - a boy can dream, can't he?