Sunday, January 23, 2022

Following up on a true beauty - Charlize Theron

She has a lot of different looks and all of them are insane. She's a true beauty, even if she is a little batshit crazy... 









You have time to find something
 nice for your wife or girlfriend and 
get it delivered for Valentine's Day

Click on  the picture for more info.
There's a lot more different items of her jewelry
 available on Etsy. It's really nice stuff and the prices
 include free shipping to almost anywhere! 


And you just know I like this pose the best...




  1. The fact that she's living with that Liberal Sean Penn should tell you everything you need to know.

  2. Don't know why it's doubling up my posts. I only clicked publish once.


Fun Flamingo Factoid...

 This time next year, the Pink Flamingo  will the Florida State Bird...   Flamingos really are what they eat. Many plants produce natural re...