Monday, January 31, 2022

An ages-old question answered...

 I'm sure you've all had to deal with this at least 
once or twice after a heavy snow...

I grew up in Newark, NJ - a tough city and a really tough neighborhood to be a kid and grow up in. Back in '59 or '60 or thereabouts, my neighbor three houses up actually shot and killed a guy for taking his parking space that he had just spent the better part of that morning shoveling out.  


The 'usurper' had actually moved aside the garbage can that he had put in the spot to save it. It's a true story. They will defend those spots at all costs.

PS? the neighbor - Mr. Columbo - was an off-duty Newark cop. Did he go to jail for the shooting? Yes - that night. That was it.

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Telling the post to shut his piehole? Damn, I wish I coulda done that...

  The full article is here .