Thursday, December 30, 2021

We have an addiction to numbers

Our 'love affair with numbers' is mind-numbing. Do you really give a shit about these boring-assed statistics being jammed down your throat every day? I don't... 


So THAT'S what they meant by 'sock hop'.  Never knew that.






Sometimes it feels like we're all being 
sucked in to a self-correcting time warp.





Need a simple gift idea for 
a special lady in your life?
Click on the picture for more information 
on this stunning bracelet my wife made.




In 1945, a group of Soviet school children presented a US Ambassador with a carved US Seal as a gesture of friendship. It hung in his office for seven years before discovering it contained a listening device.






One of these stores is coming to my neighborhood - you ever heard of them? Looks and sounds like some millennial's wet dream fruit store to me, and I can't imagine the fruit and stuff is gonna be any cheaper than the supermarkets around here. I wish them luck and hope it doesn't go bust just because of the job's it'll create but who needs it?. There are way too many really good local farmers markets around here that need to survive and thrive.

And if you corporate geniuses out there are gonna expand in to our area, we desperately need some local 'Three Buck Chuck'...


We celebrate 'Irish New Year's'. Seein's how they're five hours 
ahead of us here, we can do our toasting and all that other 
accompanying bullshit at 7:00pm and still be in bed by 9:00. 
Who's more exciting than me, huh? 
Fuck New Years Eve - strictly amateur hour...

Why not take a minute and look at the jewelry my wife makes? It's not expensive and it's really nice stuff.

There's a lot more different items of her jewelry available on Etsy. Click on the picture for more info.
It's really nice stuff and the prices include 
free shipping to almost anywhere! 





  1. Jethro Tull? Led Zeppelin? ZZ Top?

  2. Sock hop. You took your shoes off to keep from marking up the hardwood gym floor. Kept the school janitors happy.

    1. Yeah - I never knew the derivation of that term until I saw this pic. I colorized it...

  3. Sprouts isn't bad. The ones around here have a lot of vegetarian & vegan stuff, along with all sorts of "natural" products and supplements, but they also tend to have a wider variety of fresh fruits and vegetables than the major chains, and at reasonable prices. They also have "bulk bins" for everything from oats and coffee beans to chocolate chips and gummy bears. I can't compare them to Whole Foods or Trader Joe's, because I don't have either of those near enough to be regular shopping experiences for me.


I'm in HillBetty heaven again...

...   Here's a great idea for a gift  that's  both  truly unique and very affordable...   Click on the picture for more information ...