Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Can't we all just get along? Why are you all picking on me?


Three senior White House officials have been dispatched to newsrooms to try and drum up more favorable coverage of Joe Biden, according to a report on Tuesday night. 
The outreach came after officials became dismayed by the negative headlines. At the weekend, a Washington Post columnist published an op ed claiming that Biden was given worse media coverage than Trump - his analysis based on a data review he commissioned, looking into the words used in 200,000 articles. 
Some reacted with skepticism about allegations of bias, but others said it was true. The Biden administration has dispatched John Pocari (left), the ports envoy; David Kamin (top right) and Bharat Ramamurti (bottom right), both deputy directors of the National Economic Council, to drum up support for his administration.


  1. "...a Washington Post columnist published an op ed claiming that Biden was given worse media coverage than Trump..."

    Oh, puh-LEASE! Trump got hammered when he was accomplishing good things; Biden get's all sorts of excuses made for him when he fucks up by the numbers.

    1. What part of the words 'Washington' and 'Post' confused you Rick?


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