Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Thoughts on growing old? I musta forgot to do that...

 Five notes in to 'I'm your Captain - Closer to home' and I'm 18 again...   

I remember as if it was yesterday seeing 
Grand Funk Railroad live at MSG on February 15th 1971. 
My very first concert with then-girlfriend Nancy Martinez.  
Feels like it was just yesterday.
 It is so scary to grow old so fast.

I do one of these every morning for my friends on Fakebook. It's pretty much 
all I do there. Anyway, I always try to include a variation on the idea 
of 'keeping your dreams alive'. I'm a firm believer in dreams, whether 
they're something you have while you're sleeping, or something you 
aspire to, like a long-ago girlfriend and you getting back together 
or hitting the Powerball. 
Dreams are important - it's almost not worth living without them. 
Fight to keep them alive.



Well, sorry to say that neither of the two 'winners' I picked to celebrate our 300th follower thing got in touch with me, 
so I guess it's Ribeye time for me. 

Only problem is - I went to Sam's on Sunday and they didn't have a morsel of meat of any kind in the store. They had no fish, no frozen shellfish, no frozen chicken or crab legs or any meat /fish/fowl of any kind. Not an iota. Guy at the door said some shit about 'We were supposed to get a truck yesterday'. Fuck - and when they DO have 'em, they're now 18.99 a fuckin' pound. 
One year ago, under worse COVID conditions and a different President, the trucks were running, the shelves and freezers were stocked, and rib-eyes were 8.99 a friggin pound. Now you explain that to me somehow.



They were probably going like 10mph. Go figure.



By pushing vaccine mandates, Dr. Fauci ignores naturally acquired immunity among the COVID-recovered, of which there are more than 45 million in the United States. 

Mounting evidence indicates that natural immunity is stronger and longer lasting than vaccine-induced immunity. 
In a study from Israel, the vaccinated were 27 times more likely to get symptomatic COVID than the unvaccinated who had recovered from a prior infection.

It's a proven scientific fact.
The woman hasn't been born yet who
 doesn't like gifts of nice jewelry.
As it happens, I know someone who makes that kinda stuff.

Hand Beaded Pearlescent White and Gold 
Sleek Bracelet With Copper Accents
Click on the picture for information on this item my wife made.

Police officers take a ride on a New York subway in the 80s. Vandalism and graffiti were widespread in New York during the 70s and 80s. 



Believe it or not, this is my old High School. 
Essex Catholic HS in Newark, NJ. Run by the Irish Christian Brothers (Jesuit wannabees who couldn't get in because they were too sadistic and drank too much). In my Freshman year, there were 3,200 students enrolled. Not a single girl. All frustrated, zit-faced moron boys. 
What hell-on-earth could possibly have been worse?




Me and Mickey was talkin' about
 getting the band together again...

It's a 'dog-eat-dog' world out there...



You DO have someone you like,and
 maybe that person deserves 
a nice gift just because she cares
 - something like this maybe...

Green Unakite* Stone Hand Beaded Bracelet With 
Green Crystals And Copper Seed Bead Accents
Click on the picture for information on this item. 
The jewelry my wife makes would be a perfect gift.
Click on this link to see all she has to offer:

Every once in a while you have to be reminded again of the greatness in some people. The news is so full of conflict, embarrasment, corruption and dishonor it's hard to hold on to your faith in your fellow man. 
This is Robert D. Maxwell.
And this from the Citation for his Medal of Honor:
"For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at risk of life above and beyond the call of duty on 7 September 1944, near Besancon, France. Technician 5th Grade Maxwell and 3 other soldiers, armed only with .45 caliber automatic pistols, defended the battalion observation post against an overwhelming onslaught by enemy infantrymen in approximately platoon strength, supported by 20mm. flak and machinegun fire, who had infiltrated through the battalion's forward companies and were attacking the observation post with machinegun, machine pistol, and grenade fire at ranges as close as 10 yards. 
Despite a hail of fire from automatic weapons and grenade launchers, Technician 5th Grade Maxwell aggressively fought off advancing enemy elements and, by his calmness, tenacity, and fortitude, inspired his fellows to continue the unequal struggle. When an enemy hand grenade was thrown in the midst of his squad, Technician 5th Grade Maxwell unhesitatingly hurled himself squarely upon it, using his blanket and his unprotected body to absorb the full force of the explosion. 
This act of instantaneous heroism permanently maimed Technician 5th Grade Maxwell, but saved the lives of his comrades in arms and facilitated maintenance of vital military communications during the temporary withdrawal of the battalion's forward headquarters."
Technician 5th Grade Maxwell: We humbly salute you and thank you for your life and your service.


When you live in a 'Say anything you have to say to get yourself elected' kind of world, this is the kind of bullshit you spew. Even blacks are insulted by his pandering. Crash and burn you lying liberal dooshbag. Juss' sayin'...





At least she nailed the recovery...

There are gifts you buy for a special
 occasion. Or for no reason at
 all. Whoever you're buying it for,
 they'll appreciate the effort...

Gold Rainbow Hand Beaded Bracelet With Irish Knot 
Button Closure And Silver Seed Bead Accents
Click on the picture for information on this item. 
Click on this link to see all she has to offer:

This is how huge the C-5 Galaxy is.

Sometime, they just need a little bitch slappin...

Speaking of bitch-slapping.



  1. Well then you can give the prize to since I was among some of the first folks to follow and I still drop in every few days. I like your blog. BTW the C5 galaxy broke down every time I ever had to fly in one. Sometimes it happened in good places but most in shitty places.

  2. Poppin' in to say hello ~~ enjoy your blog. Jewelry is just gorgeous!


Every time I listen to people like JB Pritsker, my brain bleeds a little more...

  Illi'noise' Governor JB Pritzker - a billionaire by birth and nothing more of his own doing - was on Sunday's CNN’s “State of ...