Thursday, October 28, 2021

We have to start calling 'The News' something else.

 'Cause it sure as fuck isn't new, now is it? It's just the same ole' shit re-churned, with different characters and spelled a little differently... 



Who knows? Could be legit...

My birthday was last week so me and the Missus 
went down to Key Largo for a few days to chill. 
I win. And - before you bother to ask - 68. 
Who, knowing me when I was much younger, woulda 
ever EVER thought I'd make it to here? 
Sure as fuck not me...



They didn't ask me. Did they ask you?

And even if that number is even remotely close to legit, why are these people in 'the news' like 40% of the time?  And even more importantly, why do the people that report 'the news' think we give a fuck about any of this shit? We have jobs to go to and kids to feed and raise. 
Who's got time for this Disney-on-acid bullshit?

Could you possibly imagine a
 cooler way to make a living?

The woman hasn't been born yet who
 doesn't like gifts of nice jewelry.
As it happens, I know someone who makes that kinda stuff..

Purple Eggplant Hand Beaded Bracelet With Silver Seed 
Bead Edging And Silver Heart Button Clasp
Click on the picture for information on this item.

It's almost impossible to calculate how 
far 28 million lightyears away is.
NASA says a group of scientists may have discovered signs of a new planet beyond the Milky Way. The potential discovery could be the first-ever planet found in another galaxy. 
The potential planet, which is unnamed and roughly the size of Saturn, was spotted in the spiral galaxy Messier 51, or what's known as the Whirlpool Galaxy, about 28 million lightyears away from the Earth, according to NASA. 
Researchers made the discovery with a NASA telescope, called the Chandra X-ray Observatory, and by using a new technique to search for planets known as the X-ray transit method. Exoplanets, which NASA defines as planets outside of our solar system, are difficult for astronomers to detect.


Meanwhile, back in my neighborhood...



How incredibly poignant is this? Well played, whoever did it...


A very Florida rationale...


This one's for a special occasion.

Hand Beaded Black And White Wide Cuff Bracelet With
 Swarovski Crystals and Tiny Seed Bead Accents
Click on the picture for information on this item. 
Click on this link to see all she has to offer:


I havta admit - it took me a minute...



A better version of the one I
 showed you last week...

Pick an Angel. Any angel. It's kinda like the
 ole' Ginger vs. MaryAnne argument. I leaned
 heavily towards Kate in this one.



  1. Well I must be an idiot, because I'm sure not getting the photo of the shadows in 2 directions

    1. That's what I meant when I said it took me a couple of minutes

  2. Congrats on living to 68. I just turned 69. My game plan was to live to make 21 (live fast, die young). After that it was all wing it; married 4 times(2 children and 3 grands) , recorder on the 35 inch mill Bethlehem Steel, graduated from college after 10 years, agronomist at Rodale Farms, joined the U.S. Army (11C) at 28 and served in Berlin, Germany (behind the wall), taught public high school, retired at 57. There are many, many short term jobs and relationships in that story, but this is the boy's version.
    I try to read your blog and Timewaster daily. Keep up the banter.


Take a shot this one, Auntie...