Friday, October 1, 2021

It's October 1st and Joe Biden is still President. WTF happened?

 I'da sworn the guy'd be gone by May 1st at the latest. Are we sure this is the real guy and not some kinda Disney Animatron thing?



I really gotta hit it this weekend. 

All Vineland, NJ schools were closed Thursday 
“out of an abundance of caution.” 

All staff and students were asked to remain home unless directed to do otherwise. No virtual classes were scheduled and all classes at private provider preschools were also cancelled.
Turns out, there was an investigation by police and found there was a threat and “it was a generic posting that is being replicated and re-distributed.” In other words it was social-media bullshit and they bought in to it hook, line and sinker.





This thing almost doubled the 
WiFi speed at our house.

These things work great. Try one for yourself.
There's more information about how these work right here. 
Click on the above picture or this link:


When the telemarketer on the phone starts
 crying about how much they hate their job...


Three games left at the Stadium against the Rays. The magic number for New York to clinch a playoff spot is down to two. 
The Yankees have a two-game lead over both the Boston Red Sox and Seattle Mariners. Any combination of Yankees wins and Red Sox/Mariners losses totaling two guarantees New York’s season will continue into the playoffs.

This is the theater where, as a kid, I spent 
almost every Saturday afternoon when we weren't 
playing baseball or football or sleigh-riding. 
It's long since closed, but they would have triple 
features with cartoons and travel shorts on Saturdays. 
It only cost 15 cents to get in, so you'd have 
a dime left from your quarter for a soda (5 cents) 
and a popcorn (10 cents - you had to split with somebody).

And they're paying something like 
$ 7.00 a gallon for it.

Some lefties over there are saying it's because of Brexit, but the reality is there just aren't enough truck drivers to get the gas to the stations. Crazy shit, right? Nobody wants to go back to work - same as over here.

You can click on this banner to get there...

The sad reality of the news media, and this 
cartoon was drawn 19 years ago.

I guess they know now who their target market is, 
and it ain't old, grey-haired white guys like me.





This is a great idea - plugs in to any outlet...

 Grab a couple. You can have charge-ability in every room of the house.
Find it here for only $ 13.00 bucks each:



Maybe it's time for us to declare war on Mexico - those are the motherfuckers who're letting all of this shit happen. 
Panamanian Foreign Minister Erika Mouynes expressed exasperation during a visit to Washington DC this week, saying that Panama has been warning the Biden administration for months about the recent surge in irregular migration.
 'We sounded the alarm when we should have,' Mouynes told Axios . 'We've engaged with every single authority that we can think of, that we can come across, to say, "Please, let's pay attention to this."'




That's pretty much what my pickup looked like 
when I was shuttling shit from the house in Jersey 
to down here doin' the '95 shuffle'. 
Jed Clampett had nuthin' on me...




Hey Southside - she talkin' to yuz guys?

If you like Calvin as much as I do, wouldn't this make a great gift for one of (or all of) your kids or grandkids? 
Or yourself...
 Your kids will thank you for the rest of their lives.

You can find this collection here: 





It's free for three months. Why not give it a try?



  1. I'm afraid the cartoon with the old guy dreaming about the travelling sales lady is more my speed now rather than the latter cartoon below..LOL
    I saw the Super Bowl entertainment line-up yesterday, I get it I guess, but Snoop Dogg, most of the smokes I know think he's yesterday's newspaper. My son already put a blast out on his social media that his establishment will not air the half time show. The responses are all thumbs up, although I'm thinking it's all our family members responding

    1. the one day a year I won't even think of going out to a bar.

  2. Hell, regarding the super bowl halftime lineup, only black lives matter, dontcha' know....


And they say WE drink alot?

This is a map of all of the pubs in the UK -  including  England, Scotland and Northern Ireland...     I don't care if it's true or ...