Thursday, October 14, 2021

I'm getting tired of bashing Joe Biden, so...

 I'll try to just say nice things about him... 

Scroll down.


Scroll down.


Scroll down.


Scroll down.


Scroll down.


Scroll down.


He wears nice ties. But so does Putin.


Scroll down.


Scroll down.


Scroll down.


Scroll down.


Scroll down.


Scroll down..


Okay. I tried. That's about it.



Let's look at girls in bikinis instead.






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She's skinny, but damn if she ain't so cute...

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  1. Yes, but Vlad actually LOVES his country, and wants to MRGA! (Make Russia Great Again!)

  2. That Top 40 list can't be from 1976. Beatles broke up in 1970. In-a-gadda-da-vida charted in 1968. Goodbye Yellow Brick Road album came out in i973. Whipping Post was also 1973 as was 'Roads to Moscow'...a song for which I can find no chart listing in the US. There are a ton of anachronisms on this list. I've only mentioned a couple.

    Goetz von Berlichingen

    1. Ask Casey - he'll tell ya why it is what it is. Oh, that's right. He's dead...
