Sunday, August 8, 2021

There's at least one thing we've learned for sure from this COVID clusterfuck.

 People are mesmerized by numbers. Any numbers. Numbers of infected. Numbers of vaccinated. Numbers of dead... 
And all of the numbers we're being told are never told in context, 
so they rarely if ever make sense.






And they'll finally be playing the game there 
this Thursday. Should be interesting...



Jorma and Jack at Woodstock (as part of Jefferson Airplane) in 1969. Imagine that - 52 YEARS GONE BY...

I featured her once before and in going over some old posts ran across her picture again. I have to admit that - when it comes to the female form - this woman may just have the most perfectly proportioned body you'd ever wanna see, not that it'll do you or me any good at all knowing that. Juss' sayin'...

This is a great idea - plugs in to any outlet...

It's here for less than $ 12.00 bucks -  click on the picture or the link here:

This is the first I'm hearing of them
 ever even having one at that time.

Japanese Navy’s Nakajima J-9Y ‘Kikka’ (Orange Blossom) jet fighter during tests in August 1945 at Kisarazu Naval Air Base. Although inspired by the German Messerschmitt Me 262, the Japanese Naval Airforce’s Kikka jet fighter/bomber was not a copy of the former, but an original design by Nakajima’s aircraft designers Kazuo Ohno and Kenichi Matsumura. 
It was smaller (about 2/3 the size of the Me 262) and it had straight wing assemblies while the Me 262 had swept-back wings. Most probably as a result of Japan’s chronic lack of metal, the Kikka’s control surfaces were fabric-covered in an otherwise-all-metal airplane.
One prototype was built and a second was almost finished when the first flight took place on August 7, 1945. The flight lasted 20 minutes. Eight days later the war ended and with it the Kikka’s project.


It is reported in a VERY obscure magazine/Journal, but of course the media picks up on it and BLAM - the world is coming to an end. Sensationalist jerkoffs. Here's the original article is this kinda bullshit interests you:


It's true - if you don't fight back against these control freak politicians, they'll always get stronger and more bold. I hope we see a lot more of these kinds of demonstrations here in the States.

Yeah - she was pretty hot back in the day. 
Marky Post died yesterday. She was 70. 
Hearing that makes me feel old.
You can click on this banner to get there...


Major league snob appeal, isn't it?





When's the last time you changed the 
batteries in your smoke detectors? 
Maybe it's time. Amazon has their own brand of batteries, 
and these have a 10-year shelf life.

 Find them by clicking on the picture or here:


Yeah - that would be the last day
 of that hound's life...


Former Massachusetts Sen. John Kerry, now Biden’s “climate czar,” denied a report that he arrived on the island via private plane.
“Secretary Kerry lives on Martha’s Vineyard, he did not travel there for a party. He took a ferry to Martha’s Vineyard, he did not fly commercial or private,” a State Department official said. 
But he does use a private jet every other day.



Like Nancy said about Obamacare: "We have to pass the bill to see what's in it". What kind of jerkoffs are we sending to Washington that they'd vote for a bill - A LAW - that they haven't even bothered to read?

Because we're idiots. That's why...

Do you keep a First Aid kit in your vehicle? If you don't, don'tcha think ya should - especially when you can get a good one like this one at such a serious discount?

Take a look - it's on sale right now for less than $ 25.00 bucks. 
Click on the picture or this link:
Comes complete with a FREE Bonus 32-Piece Mini First Aid Kit

This fascinates me. Back in 1930, California was producing nearly one quarter of the entire world’s oil output. These oil wells in Venice, California, were still operational on the beach in 1952.

The Closing Ceremonies at the end of the
 Olympics that no one cared about.


Do you have a special occasion - like a birthday, an anniversary or some other special event worth celebrating coming up? 
You can find something nice for your Mom, your wife, your daughter or 
your girlfriend right here. Below are some samples of the jewelry my wife makes.

Click on the picture above for information on this item

Click on the picture above for information on this item

There's a lot more different items of her jewelry available on Etsy. 
Take a look at the one-of-a-kind jewelry my wife creates for women. 
See some more for yourself by clicking here:


  1. Sad to hear about Marky Post. She was a dream.

  2. Uh? Doesn't Trailer Park Barbie usually go commando?

  3. Yes, I own a Rolex and fly on the Concorde because I like spending stupid amounts of money on everyday things.

    Also sad about Marky Post.

  4. re: what kind of jerkoffs are we sending ....
    After all I've seen in the past year, I'm not sure the voters are deciding anything.

  5. I had a serious crush on her back in the day


And they say WE drink alot?

This is a map of all of the pubs in the UK -  including  England, Scotland and Northern Ireland...     I don't care if it's true or ...