Saturday, June 5, 2021

When I grow up, I wanna be a (you can insert any silly answer you want here)

 Shit - I don't care what I'll be as long as it's 'around'. That's it. I juss' wanna be here... 


Jimmy Buffett 'Growing Older But Not Up' in Bora Bora

Like what you're hearing here? There's so much more great 
Silly Island music to explore with Amazon Prime Music. 
Find out for yourself - right click on the banner to make it 
open in a new tab and see for yourself:



These are the people who are running 
your country these days.

“If we want to reduce violent crime, if we want to reduce the number of people in our jails, the answer is to stop building more of them,'” Ocasio-Cortez said during a Bronx event Thursday.
“The answer is to make sure that we actually build more hospitals, we pay organizers, we get people mental health care and overall health care, employment, etc. It’s to support communities, not throw them away.”

Now ya know why baseball is the greatest 
of all organized sports.

This was a real comic book. I never 
heard of it - did you guys?

A New York City-based psychiatrist told an audience at the Yale School of Medicine in April that she had fantasies of “unloading a revolver into the head of any white person that got in my way.” Dr. Aruna Khilanani spewed the race-hating virtual remarks — in which she also said she’d walk away from the shooting “with a bounce in my step” and that white people “make my blood boil” and “are out of their minds and have been for a long time” — at the Ivy League institution’s Child Study Center on April 6. 

This is what ya get from a "mental health professional"? 
No wonder so many people are so fucked up out there...

"It'll give you something to look forward to"...



I smoke in my truck so my wife would never get in it. Then she bought these for the truck and now, well - you know what happened next. Anyway, they really do work good. Try 'em yourself:
Febreze Car or Truck Air Fresheners


Honest to God - who the fuck would want to run for office anymore? 
Why would anyone wanna put up with this kinda bullshit?


Bullshit or not, think about this. Somebody actually got paid to produce that dribble for a marketing company. 





Jeez - who knew? There must be all kindsa shit going on over there that's sorta normal that we just don't know anything about. Not like I'd ever wanna go there, but I bet it's an interesting kinda place.

Seriously - what good does any of that do for anyone? Talk policy, talk about the future of the country. Fuck Faucci. We all know he's an asshole.

One of the most detailed picture ever taken from Jupiter so far. He knew there was that much detail and shit going on out there?

Get one to keep some hand tools and another for your battery cables and keep 'em in the trunk of your car or your truck. 
Ya never know what kinda stupidity ya might run into. 

Click on the picture or this link for this:

Them's some serious brows, babe...

I read this thing where they said the entirety of the 5524 mile land border between Canada and the U.S. is marked by a 20-foot wide slash, where no trees are allowed to grow. Is this true?

The same town where they shot that fuckin' embarrassment MTV 'Jersey Shore' bullshit and the town leaders thought that was a good image for the town. Fuck politicians.


A Girl with her toad enters a pet contest, 
Venice Beach, California, 1936.

Here's a shot of a lifetime:

Guy is in a slam dunk contest and ends up
 friggin' dunking himself! 
Good thing he was as skinny as he is.



Just fuckin' shoot me and get it over with, will ya?
Why do we give a fuck about this guy?



Have you taken a look at this set yet?
Click on the picture or the link below:

As far as Faucci is concerned, I'm done talkin' about him.










  1. The US-Canada boarder? I looked at google maps and followed along the boarder... it looks like it is cleared! Learn something new every day!



" I told you NOT to take pictures of my kids, buddy...'

  The man killed Sunday was identified as Dale Chorman of Homer, said Austin McDaniel, a spokesperson for the Alaska Department of Public Sa...