Friday, May 28, 2021

Gotta love women who fish? Of course ya do..

 I've known women that loved to hunt and fish, and all of them were really cute... 
I'm just really uncomfortable with women that are 
good with heavy weapons, so I'll stick with the ones 
that like to fish...











Memorial Day is Monday.   

Show your pride in your country and those 
that have given all for it. Raise your new flag.

You'll find your new flag here. Click on the above picture or this link:












You guys know I carry an original 'Old Timer' 
pocket knife, but  this set is interesting. 
I see that a number of my readers bought 
it for themselves. It's a great deal

And ya get all three plus the key chain for under $ 25 bucks? 
That's a helluva good deal, don'tcha think? 
See for yourself by clicking on the picture or here:













And  the best for last - a girl fishing 
with beer. What more could you ask for?


Have a birthday, an anniversary or some other 
special occasion worth celebrating coming up?
You can find something nice for your Mom, your wife, your daughter or your 
girlfriend right here. This is some of the jewelry my wife makes.

Click on the picture above for information on this item

Click on the picture above for information on this item

Take a look at the one-of-a-kind jewelry my wife creates for women. 
There are more different items of her jewelry available on Etsy. 
See some more for yourself by clicking here:
It's really nice stuff and the prices include free shipping to almost anywhere! 





  1. That's a lot of snooks!
    Goetz von Berlichingen

  2. Am I the only one who noticed that Women Who Fish are also Women who do not get Tattoo's? I like women who fish!!!

    1. And I don't like women with tattoos...

    2. Me neither. Call me judgmental but the term "White Trash" always comes to mind.


It may not be winter anymore, but it's still a great idea...

...     Here's a great idea for a gift  that's  both  truly unique and very affordable...     Click on the picture for more informat...