Saturday, May 29, 2021

How can you spend money you don't have? Ask the government. They do it all the time.

 They're so good at spending money they don't have, they even spend money that isn't theirs... 
I'm so old I can remember when a Million Dollars 
was a lot of money.



Government spending is taxation. When you look at this, I've never heard of a poor person spending himself into prosperity; let alone I've never heard of a poor person taxing himself into prosperity.

- Arthur Laffer        





The cross section of an undersea cable

What's hurting the U.S. economy is total government spending. The deficit is an indicator that the government is spending so much money that it can't even get around to stealing all of the money that it wants to spend. 
The tip of the iceberg is not what hit the Titanic - it was the 90 percent of the iceberg under water. 

                                                                                - Grover Norquist  



Memorial Day is Monday.   

Show your pride in your country and those 
that have given all for it. Raise your new flag.

You'll find your new flag here. 
Click on the above picture or this link:

How cool is this friggin' kid?


May well be my favorite bar in the entire world. Do a google image search and see what you come up with.

Yeah - I was in Scouting. This picture is probably 
from 1960 or thereabouts. Can ya find me?

This guy is gonna crash and burn. It's inevitable.

Have you checked this out yet? 
It's one helluva good deal - and it's free for 90 days:


Yeah - that's me on the right. 
Know the other three characters?


She looks like she's enjoying the rumbling of the motor that appears to be directly under her ass. Wuddya think - somebody gettin' off on mowin' the lawn or what? She's gonna slide right offa there.



Pizza here in Florida is just fuckin' terrible.
It may be the water, or it may just be that these people down here suck at making pizza. The only way we can ever have a reasonably good pizza is to make it at home. I made this one - half pepperoni for me -  last night. It did NOT suck. 

You gotta make your own pizza at home like I do. 
The first and most important trick is to have a really good pizza stone to bake the pie on. Then put your oven on as hot as you possibly can (not broil, dummy). When you're done with the stone NEVER EVER clean it with water or anything else. That's the trick to seasoning the stone. Leave the shmutz on the stone - trust me.

Here's the stone I have :

You can get one for yourself - click on the picture or this link here:

If you weren't in the Army back in the day, you probably think machines did this for ya. Trust me, they didn't.


Sam Elliott pays tribute to SGT Ray Lambert - 
a hero medic on D-Day - 
on the 2019 National Memorial Day Concert



Talk about improving with age, huh?


The Seven Sisters Oak, located in Mandeville, Louisiana is the largest certified southern live oak tree, estimated to be up to 1,500 years old.


I think the inflation prospects for the U.S. over the next five or six, seven years, are quite serious. You cannot have a bumper crop in apples without the value or the price of each apple falling. The Fed has had the largest increase in the monetary base in the history of the U.S., from colonial times to the present, times ten. 

- Arthur Laffer         



Here ya go - this is what I need. My ex-hippie jerkoff 
next door neighbor still has his friggin' Biden flag up.

Click on the picture or this link for more information:
Anti Biden 3x5 ft 
Don’t Blame Us 

She's been noticeably absent of late, so I thought I'd 
remind you again what a complete fuckin' cunt she is. 




Two honey bees work together to open a bottle of Fanta. 
That's just fuckin' scary bubba...

The innocence of youth and the
 brilliance of the puppeteer.


Ya think Joe B. gives a fuck about inflation?
 Shit - he couldn't even spell the fuckin' word.


This morning's 'Eye Candy'


And now for the 'big finish'...


Click here to see what she's got online today:
It's really nice stuff and the prices include free shipping to almost anywhere! 



  1. Joe Walsh? Stevie VZ? Bruuce? aaaarrrggg

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. The Saint has the best sound i've ever heard. Been to Asbury twice.


You want to play golf year 'round? We have golf coming out of our ears here...

I don't play golf - at least not anymore - because why try to do something on a regu lar basis that I genuinely suck at, but that's ...