Friday, February 19, 2021

Some people just should not drink.

 But for the rest of us, thank god they do. 
It gives us all something to laugh about... 






I had a dog that stupid once...



'Use the force, Luke.' Excellent.
It's a bookend, of course...

This is friggin' brilliant. Get one for yourself here:










These are really good sweat socks
 at a really good price.  

Find 'em for yourself here:


My sister dances like that...









And the best for last as usual...


No matter what you may be looking for, you can click on any Amazon link - any posted item you see featured here on the blog (even Nicci's butt if you want to) to get to Amazon. 

1 comment:

  1. #17, had an uncle who did something similarly stupid at a family once. We still talk about it and that was over 50 years
    No one did bad dancing better than Elaine on Seinfeld


Jughead's blow-up babe...