Tuesday, February 9, 2021

If you make up to $ 74,999.00 a year, you're still gonna get a full stimulus check.

 On a scale of 1 to 10, that's a '12' fuck up. Who do you think these people are pandering to and who's kids are gonna pay these bills... 

House Democrats will move ahead with a coronavirus stimulus package that would keep the existing income limits for Americans who receive stimulus checks, while tightening eligibility for higher-earning Americans - a major win for progressives.  

The plan, which was unveiled Monday night, would keep $1,400 stimulus checks flowing to Americans making up to $75,000 a year - rather than the $50,000 threshold that some moderate Democrats had proposed. It would, however, tighten eligibility for those making over $75,000 as an individual - a higher-earning group that previously qualified for smaller checks. People making up to $ 200,00.00 per annum (I love that phrase) will still get something. 



Now somewhere in the Black Mountain Hills of Dakota
There lived a young boy named Rocky Raccoon
And one day his woman ran off with another guy
Hit young Rocky in the eye
Rocky didn't like that
He said, "I'm gonna get that boy"

If you have to have an ear worm, that's a good one to have...

These two Australian guys fooled officials into letting them play in an international golf tournament at North Korea's only golf course. 
For five days they were treated as honored guests and taken on official visits around Pyongyang before being exposed as frauds because they really kinda sucked at golf. Aussies have more balls than almost anyone else I've ever known.

By the time these Democrats are finished we will be just like England, but without a Queen - at least hopefully. 
In the UK, you actually get paid for every kid you have.

 Bear this in mind - I'm 67  years old, and Elizabeth has been Queen of England my entire life. Broad has some kinda staying power, doesn't she?

Did they change the rules and I wasn't paying attention? WTF?


The thing that pisses me off about this is the way FOX is now turning in to the middle, now that they're getting sued - buncha fuckin' pussies... 
Bear in mind that I do not watch any TV news, but it's important for others to have at least one good alternate source for the interpretation of events. And Dobbs has always been a stand-up guy and a class act.

That was pretty funny.


If your or someone you know has Gout, 
you have to read this...

Black Cherry Concentrate does one thing - and one thing only. 
It breaks down Uric Acid in your system
 It does nothing else. It doesn't interfere with anything, it has no side effects or contra-indications with other drugs or supplements that I know of. It does just one thing. It knocks down the severity and frequency of gout flareups. I haven't had one in probably five or so years taking just two of these a day. It's a god-send. Believe me. 

Click on this for even more info:

This is (was) a real ad that ran in the American Legion Magazine in July, 1969. Check out the prices - that's PER CARTON. 
Anyway, the reason I dug this up was for my big brother Bob, who was over there in '69, and I clearly remember my mother sending him ten cartons of smokes. My  brother didn't smoke, so he traded them for weed. Yup - that's my big bro for ya...


Bordering on the absurd, we teeter in to the new American future, where no one will be held accountable for anything, as long as it suits the party's needs.

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) is expected to issue new Biden-driven guidance stipulating that 'undocumented immigrants' (forget the phrase illegal aliens - you won't be hearing that anymore) who have been convicted of driving under the influence, solicitation, simple assault, and drug-based crimes may no longer face deportation.


Check this crazy Disney shit out:

This is a side by side comparison of Disney movies with the same exact sequence of events and movement. I betcha the old man's brain woulda exploded if he knew this shit was going on.

You either gotta be a complete idiot or have balls of steel to be trading (latin for fucking around with) this crazy shit.

Bitcoin has more than doubled over two months as institutional investors search for alternative wealth stores and retail traders ride the wave. Monday’s leap after Tesla’s announcement that it had bought $1.5 billion in bitcoin and that it would take the cryptocurrency as payment for cars. Companies and big investment houses are now following small traders into the asset. 
It traded at a record high of $48,216 late in the Asian afternoon on Tuesday. Rival cryptocurrency ethereum had made a record high of $1,784.85 in the early morning.


Meanwhile, somewhere out in LaLaLand...



The universal designated hitter that was deployed last season - an actual good idea for baseball -  will not be employed in 2021 under the new MLB/players agreement.

File this under too little too late? probably.


Here's the best electric knife sharpener I've been able to find for you guys that don't want to use the hand-held...

It's $ 20.00 cheaper at this link than any other I've seen. 
To find out more click on the picture or this link here:


Wuddya think? Think these jerkoffs have a 'one-world' agenda? has there been any one other organization that's lied to us more than these morons?

Ya wanna know why I have a newly developed loathing of all these sky-high ramps and bridges they keep building? Okay - watch this:

This short video captures the moment a truck flew off a ramp and plunged 70 feet onto a Wisconsin interstate. The driver lost control of a pickup truck on an elevated ramp and skidded over snow piled against the barrier wall before falling onto Interstate 94 on Saturday. Footage from the Wisconsin Department of Transportation shows the truck flip violently before landing upright on I-94.  Incredibly, the driver survived and was not intoxicated, according to police.

It's the bridge to Fuckthatistan.


This is the hatchet job reporting on The Villages 
courtesy of the NY Slimes and the UK Dail Mail:

'Some Kind of Heaven' is a new documentary that plunges into the surreal world of argyle socks, heavy drinking and Viagra-fueled promiscuity at the world's largest retirement community known as 'The Villages.' Located 70 miles north of Orlando, the sprawling 32-square-mile master planned mega-community is larger than the size of Manhattan and also the fastest growing city in America between 2010- 2019 (according to US Census data), with a current population of 130,000. 

The Villages were designed to be a self-contained paradise with 14 grocery stores, unlimited restaurants and its own hospital, fire department, utility company, TV channel, radio station and newspaper. It's been dubbed 'the Disnleyland for seniors' thanks to it's lifestyle that provides free unlimited golf at 50 different courses, 100 recreation centers, 89 swimming pools and 2,700 activity clubs that include everything from line dancing to synchronized swimming (bottom right), a thriving singles club with over 20,000 members (bottom left), a group for retired CIA agents and cheerleading (top right) which has a two year waitlist to join. 

Some critics say The Villages are a creepy Stepford cult for Baby Boomers with Orwellian rules that are dictated by an elusive family worth billions of dollars. 'Some Kind of Heaven' peels back the manicured veneer to find a dark undercurrent of loneliness, intolerance, and insularity coursing through the streets of 'America's friendliest hometown.'

I live here in The Villages. Virtually nothing that is presented in the movie is true. There are 139,000 people that live here. That's a real number. Think that many people would stay here if they were as disillusioned and unhappy as these miserable liberal scumbags make us out to be?

Right click on the banner and you can open it in a new tab or window:


One of Stalin’s pipes, depicting him and FDR playing chess. 
It was given to him in 1945 by the visiting US chess team.

What a buncha fuckin' pussies. 
What a waste of resources.


Maybe this will help:



Tea leaves in a glass bottle collected from the harbor following the Boston Tea party, 1773

These are good sweat socks and this is a really good price for them.

Find 'em for yourself here:



When I left Jersey, I was paying $ 22,000.00 a year property taxes on our house. That's paying more every month than I pay in a full year here, and there's no difference in the service I get. What's wrong with that picture?

What Saturn would look like if 
it was close as the moon.

As always, save the best for last...

Looks a little like Karen Allan, doesn't she?
I mean from the shoulders up...




Personal safety is something that I don't take lightly. 
Neither should you.. 

Readers here have been telling me for a while now that not only are they buying them for themselves,  they're buying them for their kids, their girlfriends and their wives. I think that's a great idea. 

There are a couple different strengths available here - find the one for you:

1 comment:

  1. Sorry Joe, but I've got to call BS on the Aussie golf story. If that had really happened they'd be rotting away in some jail by now. Getting into North Korea is an adventure in itself, make a/holes out of them is kin to committing suicide.


Panic buying begins - again. It's like COVID - the sequel...

 Proof positive that most people are idiots...   ...    Here's a great idea for a gift  that's  both  truly unique and very affordab...