Tuesday, February 9, 2021

I've got the bullshit impeachment blues and only a couple of drinks will get me out of this fuck.

So what the hell are we waiting for -
 it's not like it's isn't happy hour or something... 


Well, two outta three ain't bad, right?











If you're over 30, you should 
be taking a multi-vitamin. 

And if you're an old fuck like I am you DEFINITELY 
should have one as part of your everyday regimen.

Buy them here much cheaper than at CVS or Walgreens:












Got one of these to replace the old Krups 
machine that we probably had for 25 years.  
This thing is friggin' amazing...

See this for yourself - it may be time for you to upgrade your coffee maker, too. Click on the description:













I bought two pairs of these and they are friggin' perfect - what a great deal. Fit just like the old 501's. 
You really gotta try 'em yourself...

I will NEVER ever pay $ 40 or more again for 
jeans - not when these are available...
Find them here:


And, as always, save the best for last...


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