Thursday, February 4, 2021

Dr. Fauci - Mr. FlipFlop himself - warned us against having large Super Bowl parties. Wuddya gonna do?

 If I actually gave a fuck about the Super Bowl (which I don't), I'd throw a party for 40 or 50 of my closest friends... 

In appearances on NBC's Today and ABC's Good Morning America on Wednesday morning Fauci implored people to limit their gatherings to household members only. "You don't want parties with people that you haven't had much contact with, you just don't know if they're infected, so as difficult as that is, at least this time around, just lay low and cool it."
Roger that, Dr. Dickhead. We'll certainly 
ignore every word outta your pie hole.



He's banging the fuck outta that right hand peg, but nobody will call this self-important prick on shit like this. Why not?


These are good sweat socks - my wife buys 'em 
for me and this is a really good price for them.

Find 'em for yourself here:


Ford unveils new version of highly profitable F-150 Raptor performance pickup, plans V-8 model

I drive a '06 F-150 with 180,000 miles on it. 
I'll drive that fucker till it's dead. Or I am.
Ford said that over the last four years, the F-150 pickup by itself has outsold Porsche’s entire lineup of sports cars and General Motors’ Chevrolet Corvette. For perspective, GM sold about 83,500 Corvettes since 2017. The Raptor is based on the Ford’s regular F-150 pickup but loaded with a bunch of off-road and performance features – from a new five-link suspension system to massive 35-inch or 37-inch tires. It’s also larger than the regular model and features an increasingly distinctive design.
The current Raptor starts at about $55,000 but can top more than $75,000 with upgrades. Ford did not release pricing for the 2021 F-150 Raptor, which will arrive in showrooms this summer. A new F-150 Raptor “R” with a V-8 engine is expected to be available next year. That model might sell for around $ 80,000.
80 grand for a fuckin' pickup truck.


The world as we know it may be coming to an end. I agree with Bloomberg. Somebody take my temperature. I gotta have some kinda virus...

That's just plain friggin' brilliant.
My wife bought this last month without telling me. At first I thought it was a waste of money - we have a microwave, so WTF we need this thing for? Well, within a few days I learned how wrong I was... 
Microwaves don't toast and this little sucker is an actual convection oven. Turns out I use it a lot more than I thought I would.

See if this isn't something you should have, too:

The Bucs are the very first team to ever host the Super Bowl and play in it in the same year. Didn't know that - did you?

My Grandmother & Grandfather's Wedding Picture. 1923


Tensions had risen significantly over the past week after the European Commission said it would control exports of vaccines to Northern Ireland - blindsiding the U.K. and Irish governments and infuriating unionist political leaders. 
Even though the EU reversed course within hours, the move has damaged trust between the two sides.

As long as England rules Northern Ireland, there will never be true peace there. It's just that simple.



No matter what you may be looking for, you can click on any Amazon link - you can even click on Nicci's butt - to get to Amazon. 

I lived out in the Valley in Hollywood/LA back in the mid-70's for about six months. As crazy as it was there then, it's gotta be 50 times worse now. Why the fuck would anyone in their right minds wanna live there? I guess I shouldn't qualify it like that, huh?


We gotta get back to normal as soon as possible. 
Kenny's leading the way.

After postponing his entire 2020 Chillaxification Tour due to the coronavirus bullshit, Kenny Chesney has announced the rescheduled dates for his stadium shows. The country superstar will stop at 18 stadiums in 2021; shows in Houston and San Antonio, Texas, were unable to be rescheduled and have been canceled.

What fuckin' planet are these looney-tune jerkoffs from?

What did the those Dwarves know that 
we were never told about as kids?


A great pair of jeans for under $ 15.00 bucks?
It's legit - wouldn't lie to you.

Rustler makes a great pair of pants for a ridiculously low price. See for yourself here - there's plenty of styles and sizes to choose from:



Who the fuck would buy an 'Apple car'? Probably about a million idiots out there, that's who. These people are branding geniuses. And that is a sad fact, not a good one.

As part of ''Black History Month', NY City schools have included in to the curriculum  insights from convicted cop killer Joanne Chesimard. These fuckin' people who are in charge of your kids are batshit crazy. Something's gotta happen soon to change this bullshit.


Here's today's perspective on a topic of 
great concern to morons like me:


More 'memories' from Fakebook.
There's a timelessness to them.


If you've never heard this album in particular or maybe have never even listened to 'Trane', take this opportunity
This album is about as good as 
it gets by my way of thinking.

There's so much more great Jazz to 
explore with Amazon Prime Music. 

Find out for yourself - right click on the banner to make it 
open in a new tab and see for yourself:


Demi Moore is 58. Looks pretty fuckin' good
 for a broad that age. Any age, for that matter.

Honest to god  if I comment on this item the way I really want to they'll take down my blog. Unbelievable the shit that's going on these days. And it's only gonna get crazier and crazier...

Saturn V breaking the sound barrier on its way to the moon.

Did anyone really think that vaccines for 330 million people would be available overnight? Why are these people bitching? It's easy - they were lied to and they bought in to it.


This is stolen from a writer that goes by 
the name 'Viking 6 Tactical'. Good stuff.

Like everything else, first aid kits need to be tailored to an individual or families needs, training and experience. A key to a good first aid kit is organization and having them where you would need them.  In an emergency situation, medical services can become quickly overwhelmed. Because of this, you want to be able to care for an emergency you are capable  and trained to handle. In an emergency situation, you will be doing things you normally don’t. 
For example, you may have been hit with a wind event that has isolated you from the hospital. In the course of clearing trees, you cut yourself or break a bone. Having the ability to stabilize the wound and stop bleeding can be the difference between life and death or loss of limb. 
With that, when preparing for emergencies, there are different kits you should have; 

1. Boo Boo kit - everyday first aid kit with bandaids and other common items. This is your go to kit that you always use. 
2. Trauma Kit - first aid kit to cover serious and life threatening injuries. Only used when needed. 
3. Advanced Trauma Kit - A kit designed to cover common and life threatening injuries during a true SHTF or emergency when medical care may not be available. 
The next question is usually how many kits should I have and where should I keep them. In my opinion, there are a minimum of three places you should have kits; bathroom, vehicles, and a storm or emergency room (designate a room for emergencies in your home). As you get more advanced, you will want to add kits to your emergency bag, weapons kit, bikes, etc.  you can never have too many first aid kits. 
1. Vehicles. I keep a Boo Boo kit in my center console. As a father with young children, this is probably the most used kit I have. I keep assorted bandaids (in a ziplock bag), tweezers, tape, alcohol prep pads, moleskin, pills (Advil, Tylenol, allergy pills, etc). I also keep a small ziplock pill bag with a single dose of my wife’s prescription with a photocopy of the  Rx label. This is all kept in a clear plastic container.  Also inside the vehicle is a trauma bag. I use a small bag you can pick up at any box store for this kit for under $20 (small range bags work good).  This is a bag for an accident, for me or if I happen to roll up on one. This one consist of; everything in the Boo Boo Kit plus tourniquet, SAM splint, CPR mask, chest seal, gauze, ace bandage, assorted  wound pads, compression bandage, medic shears, surgical gloves, mask, wilderness first aid kit, work gloves, glass punch and seatbelt cutter.  I also have additional items but it is tailored to my skill set. 
2. Bathroom. I keep a Boo Boo Kit in every bathroom of the house. This consist of a large clear plastic container with what I keep in my vehicle plus, ace bandage, insect bite cream, antiseptic spray, peroxide, and scissors. This is the go-to kit for most medical emergencies in my home. 
3. In my home, the master bedroom is my storm room/ emergency room. I keep an advanced trauma kit in that room. This consist of everything I have in all my kits. A good way to organize this is to use roll on luggage or a tote with plastic ammo cans or Tupperware to separate everything. I keep my bandaids in ziplock bags with a long strip of duck tape and the type of band aid written on it. I open up my bag, go to the container with bandaids and just read the type of bandaid. I also buy different bandaids when I go out to keep the bag fully stocked. I also keep a container with an oral thermometer, blood pressure cuff, oxygen meter, otoscope, and other medical supplies. Based on my training and experience I have additional supplies that I keep in the kit.
4. A good first aid manual is key. Wilderness survival first aid books are helpful. Whenever I go to a thrift shop or garage sale and see a medical book, I pick it up and keep them together organized on a shelf. 
As I continue to prepare for emergencies, I keep adding to my kits. When you have all the supplies you need for your skill level, prep past that. Ideally you want to be at a point where you would only have to go to the ER for life saving measures.  I also try to never use things from my trauma bags, that’s what the boo boo kits are for. This will ensure your kit is always fully stocked and you didn’t forget to replace anything. 
One thing the COVID pandemic has shown is that you want to be able to sustain yourself medically in an emergency.

Do you keep a First Aid kit 
in your vehicle? 

If you don't, don'tcha think ya should?

This is a pretty good one and it'll fit under your front seat 
if ya don't wanna keep it in the trunk. 

Take a look:

Comes complete with a FREE Bonus 32-Piece Mini First Aid Kit

Time is ticking away, guys. Take a minute and look at the jewelry my wife makes. It's not expensive and it will make a really nice gift for someone special to you.

You still have time to find something
 nice for your wife or girlfriend and 
get it delivered for Valentine's Day

It's really nice stuff and the prices include 
free shipping to almost anywhere! 
There's a large variety of items that she makes that are available on her Etsy 'storefront'. See some for yourself by clicking on any  of the pictures above or click here:


  1. I can't believe Bloomberg actually said something that I agree with 100%. These no good public school teachers' unions think they are better than everyone else and are holding cities hostage. I say lock them all out and bust those faux unions. People who atr being paid with taxpayer dollars should not be able to unionize PERIOD!

    The comic strip on top, the one that has running off to Dick, shouldn't the blurbs be reversed? Or are you just checking to see if we're awake this AM

  2. More like, Bloomberg is agreeing with you and the rest of us.

    60 day stand down, to explain how there will be lower standards for minorities and women so they can be promoted sooner and faster.
