Monday, February 22, 2021

All this hand sanitizer is making people too sensitive.

 It's gotta be that. How else do you explain why all of these people are so easily offended these days... 


It must be exhausting getting offended by everything. 




Horatio Nelson Jackson (no relation) was an American physician and automobile pioneer. In 1903, he and driving partner Sewall K. Crocker - and his pet Pitbull - became the first people to drive an automobile across the United States.


I would like to apologize to anyone I haven’t offended. I am sure I will get to you shortly.

We're learning to over-react to just about every friggin' thing that happens anymore. Or is it just me?
Federal Aviation Administration administrator Steve Dickson has ordered the agency's aviation safety experts to issue an Emergency Airworthiness Directive, requiring "immediate or stepped-up inspections of Boeing 777 airplanes equipped with certain Pratt & Whitney PW4000 engines."

There's something about her I really like 
but I can't put my finger on it...


Mt. Etna in Sicily erupted again the other day. 
People that live near this thing gotta have balls of steel or somethin'. That's fuckin' crazy to me...

At some point someone somewhere will have to take a serious look at the kinds of arbitrary powers exerted by government officials and hold them liable for their actions. That may prevent so many of these fuckin' morons from running for office in the first place. Or at least you'd hope it would...

Sorry for the mean but incredibly accurate things I said about what you did.

CNN finally getting their shit together and reporting on important stuff.

The guy has both houses of Congress and he's still 
signing executive orders like they're running out 
of ink and paper. Why do you suppose that is?

Notice anything different or peculiar about this car? 
The answer is further down the post.


As a public service, I provide this 
as a definition of the phrase:

If you need a visual to help you understand the nature and scope of the phrase, here ya go:

You find it offensive. That’s funny. That’s why I am happier than you.
I’m offended by how easily you’re offended!

Ya know how ya know when 
people have too much money?

The owners of an 138-year-old Victorian house had it rolled down the hilly streets of San Francisco on its way to a new address. The saps had to secure permits from more than 15 city agencies, and they coughed up $400,000 in fees and moving costs to relocate the house. 

Here's another one of those weird-ass Cannon towel ads from during the war. Wuddya suppose they were really trying to sell with these ads? Boggles the mind, don't it?

I guess it's some kinda contest to see
 who the biggest moron in the room is.

Even when it's true - there's no doubt this babbling idiot said this the other day - Fakebook still hasta do stupid shit like this for what reason? Why do people bother with that worthless piece of shit? 
Beyond showing what you had for dinner or the 4,378th picture of your cats or grandkids, WTF else is it good for? 
Certainly not for getting news - you'll never get the straight skinny on that piece of shit website.

A guy I know who'll remain nameless here has a wife that has her first drink (a gin and & 7up ferfuksake) at 10:00am every morning like clockwork. Also like clockwork, she's pretty much as fucked up as she's gonna get all day by 11:00am. That's is the surest sign of a true alcoholic. That and she falls down a lot. I feel bad for my buddy. He's 75 (she's around 65 or so) and he has all kindsa medical shit going on himself so he really can't do shit about it with her. Gettin' old is a different kinda bitch for different people I guess...


In time, I’m sure I’ll offend everyone I know.

This is a great little gadget to have in an emergency. 
Especially when the power goes out from storms 
like they've had this last week.


Kramer was a funny character on the show but I bet this guy'd 
probably be a bit of an asshole to hang out with. Juss' sayin'...

Wouldn't THAT be nice to hear? Dooshbag.



People suck. 'Cancun Cruz must resign': Protesters gather outside Texas senator's $2 million Houston home following his trip to Mexico. Tell me please what makes that house worth $ 2,000,000.00? Ya got me swinging.

Oh, I offended you with my opinion, you should see the ones I keep to myself.


We were talking about this last night. Why is it that the major networks would rather focus on the doom-and-gloom guys like Fauci and Biden, but will hardly never talk to guys like this who probably knows more than all the other guys combined?


What a great picture - check out this cool dude with his 
1947 Chevrolet Fleetmaster convertible in Spring Lake, New Jersey.

Announcing “I’m offended” is basically telling the world you can’t control your own emotions, so everyone else should do it for you.

Because we're idiots. That's why.


About that red car - It's not a photo - it's a painting. That's pretty spectacular, isn't it?


Another gadget I really like.

That's a LOT of woman there, my friends...

Just because you’re offended, 
doesn’t mean you’re right.

M109G 155mm self-propelled howitzer and 'silencer' - Used by German army to reduce noise levels during training exercises so local residents wouldn't be disturbed or offended by the sound of artillery fire.

Here's something just a bit more important 
for you to focus on today:


I did not mean to offend you… 
that was just a bonus for me.

I heard him quite a few times on the  radio in the lead-up to the election. He's very smart and quite articulate. He's the kinda role model black kids should have today, insteada SnoopDog and the other idiots out there.



Did I post this yesterday? I'm too lazy to go back and look.

These people have absolutely no shame at all. It's frightening to me that this kinda behavior is not only encouraged but rewarded at alarming levels. This fat-ass piece of shit has done nothing her whole life and she's a fucking billionaire. You figure it out. I can't.


Personal safety is something that I still won't 
take lightly. It appears a lot of you  agree with me.
AND - they're on sale today.

Readers here have been telling me for a while now that not only are they 
buying them for themselves,  they're buying them for their kids, 
their girlfriends and their wives. I think that's a great idea. 

There are a couple different strengths available here:
We saved the best for last again...


There's a large variety of items that she makes that are available on her Etsy 'storefront'. See some for yourself by clicking on any  of the pictures above or click here to see everything:


  1. As to your "piece of shit" definition, Perfect! I would've given the title to Hillary hands down. But this scafuzza Pelosi is our new clubhouse leader for the title.
    Your buddy's wife is exactly my reason for not ever permanently retiring. I'm sure id be throwing on the day's first buzz before that.
    Is that your father standing next to the Fleetmaster? If it is I'm betting that's the last car he ever bought solely for his own pleasure for a long time. Meaning marriage and a house full of kids took care of any more convertibles

    1. My Dad didn't own a brand new car until he retired

    2. Mine neither, and wrecked it less than a year later

  2. Kramer came to Portland Maine one summer a few years back. He hung out downstairs in a restaurant in my building everyday and most of the nights. He had some friends who lived here. He was trying to be aloof at first. But he actually was pretty cool and laid back after he got used to everybody noticed he was around.

    1. Still feels like he's kinda dooshish. Jury is still out I guess


Here's one more for ya Auntie...