Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Just checkin' in before I pass out. Man, did today suck or what?

 Okay - I'll have one more beer and then I REALLY gotta go.

Open one for me, willya... 

Thanks - I needed that.




The nose ring's a no-go babe. Juss' sayin'...

1 comment:

  1. Trump rioters? More like Antifa false flag photo op at the capitol, while hundreds of thousands assembled peacefully just to get law enforcement to address thousands of credible affidavits of voter fraud. Beyond the Capitol, any vandalism? Arson? Looting? Assaults on police? Media and social media spread a false narrative while they shut down retransmission of recorded speeches and first hand accounts that don't fit the narrative. This is fully in line with the play book that has been used to create the impression that Trump is deranged and all his followers are domestic terrorists.

    I was on the mall from about 9 a.m. until 5 p.m., and mixed with people of all ages, orientations, races, religions, national origins- the only common denominator was a desire for rule of law to stop the steal (investigate credible allegations of voting fraud) and investigate the skullduggery that has been perpetrated (and buried) by the FBI, including the Russian Hoax, impeachment for investigating Hunter Biden and the multiple serious sources of evidence that the Biden family has been selling political favors from 'the big guy' to overseas interests.


I gotta make these tougher...