Wednesday, January 6, 2021

I'm disgusted. I quit. I don't want to play any more. I'm getting drunk. Join me.

 Today's nonsense at the Capitol proves what I've been saying all along. People suck... 

Let's get hammered - wuddya say?


I need someone to share my joy with - I think I found a couple of prime candidates...


Lemme just say right now - I KNOW some of these 
are re-posts. So fuckin' what. They're fun.







This is a serious carry case 
for serious shooters!

Take a look:



Want go to Amazon? Just click on the banner above and you're there...







There's so much music to explore with 
Amazon Prime Music - I know - I'm hooked.
Right click on the banner to make it open it
 in a new tab and see for yourself:


Somewhere in the land of missed opportunititties...





Want a great cordless set at a sale price?

At $ 139.00 (that's $ 60.00 OFF) for the 20 volt set, this is one helluva deal. See it for yourself here:

The best of the bunch.



And now something bizarre for the ladies...




Yeah. I know. I'm an idiot. So what?



Lotsa great stuff here - right click it to open in a new tab:


Want to find something nice for your wife 
or girlfriend (or both)? 

My wife's jewelry is  available on Etsy. 
It's really nice stuff and the prices include 
free shipping to almost anywhere! 

Click on the picture or this link:

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I gotta make these tougher...