Thursday, January 7, 2021

We should all be ashamed of ourselves because of yesterday? Chuck you Farley, wasn't me...

 If these Pols would ever trip over their own double standards, they' never be able to get up off the ground... 


This is Barbi Benton. If you don't know who she is, 
go back to your cradle and just stay there forever.

We're getting very close here...

A protester walking through Congress carrying Nancy Pelosi's lectern and waving for the camera  after storming the Capitol. And what exactly the fuck was he gonna do with it? People are idiots.


This was a real place up in Jersey back in the day. Nowadays, if the sign is still there, god only knows where that turn'll take ya.

This is Farrah. Rockin' early Nikes. 
On a skateboard. 'Nuff' said...


Meanwhile. jerkoffs like this sock puppet can say and do whatever the fuck they want to.

Man, these old motherfuckers down here in Florida just have no fuckin' idea at all what a friggin' turn signal is. It's unbelievable.

A great pair of jeans for under $ 15.00 bucks?
I wouldn't lie to you.

Rustler makes a great pair of pants for a ridiculously low price. See for yourself here - there's plenty of styles and sizes to choose from:

Why do these jerkoffs wanna bring a rebel flag to Washington? It's symbolic, that's why. It's tell everyone: "I'm an idiot redneck'.

During the four years of the Civil War, Ft. Stevens was the closest the confederates got to Washington. During the insurrection on the US Capitol building today, supporters of Donald Trump carried the confederate battle flag through the Capitol.



An Afghan man offers tea to soldiers. It was taken by photographer Rafiq Maqbool during a search operation for members of Taliban in the Nerkh district of the Wardak province, west of Kabul.


This is what pisses me off. Fuck - I had this same exact idea for a kid's show 20 years ago, but I just couldn't sell it, and my wife threatened to divorce me if I ever talked about it again.


And he votes. Think about THAT for a minute...




Want go to Amazon? Just click on the banner above and you're there...

When I first went on the Newark PD back in '72, there was not a single female on a force of 1,300.


New York will deploy 1,000 members of the state’s National Guards to Washington, D.C. in the aftermath of Wednesday’s riot.
“At the request of United States National Guard officials, I am deploying 1,000 members of the New York National Guard to Washington, D.C. for up to two weeks to aid and facilitate the peaceful transition of presidential power,” Gov. Jackass said in a statement Wednesday evening.

This is what (and pretty much all) Twitter is good for - bullshit like this guy who rates the rooms in news pictures. Tell me people don't have entirely too much fuckin' time on their hands...



The picture quality isn't all that great and she's kinda scary looking actually once ya get above the neck, but the clothing staging fascinated me.

An explosion caused by a police munition of some kind while Trump supporters 'gathered' in front of the Capitol on Wednesday.

Man's best friend my ass...



There's nothing funny about your own personal safety.

This is a very popular item these days, and seeing as how these days are pretty fuckin' bizarre,  it makes sense, doesn't it? 
Readers here have told me that not only are they buying them for themselves,  they're buying them for their kids, their girlfriends and their wives. I think that's a great idea. Better safe than sorry is the best way to be these days...

There are a couple different strengths - find the one that's right for you:

Same place four years apart. 


I'll leave ya with these lovelies:




Cris Shapan is a mad genius.

I wish they'd quit fuckin' around and 
just gimme my goddamn money.

This is the kind of image that just screams for a caption contest.

Looks almost mis-shaped or out of proportion or
something, don't she? Not that I'm complainin'...



Do you have one of these? 

This thing makes an unbelievably outrageously good toasted sandwich. If you've never had one. I can't explain it - ya gotta try it for yourself.

Find one for yourself here:


  1. Do you think this will be the last hurrah out of these patriots? I don't. I still see something else happening before or on Inauguration Day. One thing I'd of liked to have seen is Nancy Pelosi falling and cracking her skull open while she and the others were fleeing. and while we are at it you could probably add a couple of dozen more that I'd of liked to have seen the same scenario happen to.The "Squad" quickly comes to mind

    1. To steal a line from Jack Nicholson " it's going to take many drinks to kill the bug that's up my ass"
      Paraphrased from Terms of Endearment


I gotta make these tougher...