Wednesday, January 6, 2021

They're predicting a lot of snow for January and February. That's not Global Warming, is it?

 It's fascinating how the media does it's whole 'crisis of the month club' thing, isn't it... 

That's a famous little Bar somewhere in Sicily. 

There ya go. That explains that. 



It's not our country anymore. It's theirs.
 And it's gonna be interesting.




Think very, very hard on that.


Well, I guess that's about 99.73% of my readers...



Want go to Amazon? Just click on the banner above and you're there...


If it's not about COMPLETE CONTROL, 
what is it about?

This isn't just about New Jersey, but here's a shining example of how fuckin' power mad these cocksuckers are.

Gov. Phil Murphy has vetoed a bill allowing restaurants, bars and breweries struggling amid the pandemic to extend their footprints and serve patrons in parking lots, yards, patios, decks and public sidewalks. The bill would have allowed restaurants, bars, breweries and distilleries, which have for months been operating with restricted indoor dining, to operate in outdoor spaces they lease or own, in addition to public sidewalks.
In vetoing the legislation on Monday, the governor said it “circumvents existing licensing and regulation processes critical to protecting the public’s health and safety.” That includes shifting enforcement and oversight from state Alcohol Beverage Control fully to local governments while also forcing municipalities to approve any applicant that submits proper documentation and overriding their ability to limit hours of operation. Motherfuckers just do NOT care if you live or die.

Boy don't that hit the fuckin' nail right 
where it needs to be hit.

It's too long a story to explain.

Meanwhile ya got these fuckin' jerkwagons over at Fakebook wanting to be the arbiters of life and lifestyles. Shove that fuckin' 'survey' up your already crowded asshole, Mr. Zuckthisberg...


For the third year in a row, New Jersey topped the nation as the state with the most outbound moves.

The 2020 National Migration Study from United Van Lines found 70% of New Jersey moves involved someone leaving the state as opposed to those moving into the Garden State. New Jersey beat out New York (#2) and California (#3) for the dubious distinction. See what I started here?

This is Gibney Beach on St. John. Moving back down
 there is starting to look better and better every day.

Want a great drill set at a sale price?

At $ 139.00 for the 20 volt set, this is one helluva deal. 
See it for yourself here:

I thought this guy was a multi-millionaire. Shouldn't he have his own private jet so he doesn't have to deal with us riff-raff?



Do yourself a favor today and 
travel down an unfamiliar road...


As my buddy Mustard (I never did learn  his real name) usta say: 
"Youse guys could fuck up a one car funeral".

The FBI and FAA are investigating a chilling message that was heard by multiple air traffic controllers in New York on Monday afternoon. The message broke through air traffic control frequencies to deliver a threat saying that a plane would be flown into the U.S. Capitol (main) on the same day that Congress plans to count the electoral college votes. 'We are flying into the Capitol Wednesday. Soleimani (top right) will be avenged,' the message, using a digitized voice, said. 

The threat is not believed to credible, but the Pentagon and other agencies were briefed on Tuesday. It is not yet clear who sent the message. Iranian general Qassem Soleimani was killed in a U.S. drone strike ordered by President Donald Trump on January 3 last year. 



I'll leave you thinking about the meaning of life, 
or as I like to call it:


If you're over 30, you should 
be taking a multi-vitamin.

And if you're an old fuck like I am you DEFINITELY 
should have one as part of your everyday regimen.

Buy them here much cheaper than at CVS or Walgreens:


This is a copy of the first page of a letter that my Father wrote to his mother  after the Navy censors let them talk about the Battle of Leyte Gulf. It's fascinating. He was 19 at the time.


Flamingos take refuge in a bathroom at Miami-Metro Zoo as tropical-storm force winds from Hurricane Floyd approached the Miami area.

You'd be hard-pressed to find anything wrong with this bar. Trust me on that.

Yeah - feel that way all day, every day.







Before we go answer this: 
Do you keep a First Aid kit in your vehicle?
You should. And this one's perfect.

Find it here - click on this:


  1. Bar Vitelli, GF #1

    Trump should've stayed the fuck out of Georgia, he hurt those 2 candidates more than helped and now we're going to be stuck with a Dem Pres,a Dem Senate and a Dem House. Splendid indeed!! Our only saving grace is a right leaning SCOTUS

    1. The whole thing's a clusterfuck

    2. I don't think that Trump had any impact whatsoever. When you have the same people counting the votes as before, what the hell do you expect? George Soros and his employees weren't about to let another election slip out of their hands.

  2. So jaded. Have a beer. On my tab.


I gotta make these tougher...