Monday, December 14, 2020

What's better than drinking on the beach?

 Drinking on the beach with beautiful women, 
that's what... 









Just so ya know, you can click on any Amazon link or item you see featured here on the blog (even the picture below) to get to Amazon. Even if you're not interested in a specific item I feature, when you get to Amazon from here and find what you want, I still get credit for your visit there. Thanks again - it makes this whole silly thing worthwhile to me!



She keeps doing that little thing with her tongue, 
she keeps coming back to visit. My rules.







These are really comfortable pants. No kidding.   

They're seriously comfortable. 
Here in Florida I can wear them year-round

At under 25 bucks each, a good deal, too. See for yourself:










The official sandwich of the Jersey Shore.

(And NOT that stupid fuckin' MTV bullshit)

The Taylor ham/pork roll, egg and cheese is probably New Jersey's most iconic sandwich, with delis around the state claiming they make the best or the biggest or the most famous.  
Nothing gets us Jerseyans going like the mention of Taylor ham or pork roll, even if it degenerates into a sophomoric debate over which is the proper term.  
  For the zillionth time: All Taylor ham is pork roll, but not all pork roll is Taylor ham. The latter is a brand name. Don’t call it Taylor ham if it’s not Taylor ham.

THIS is Taylor Ham. Nothing else is. 
If you're from Jersey, you know it's true.

Can't get it in your local supermarket? 
Get some for yourself here:










Christmas will be here before you know it. 
Like in 11 more days.

There's only way to make sure you get the gifts you want. 
Do it the smart, easy way - online at Amazon!

Right click on the banner below and it will open in a new tab:



  1. Sabrina Lynn now tends bar in Wisconsin. I like her better in a bikini, shaking that bottle and doing the tongue thing!


And what are they drinking in your state?

...    Why do I do what I do here? Being able to present what my wife creates is the best reason  I have for doing this,  and when you buy h...