Monday, December 14, 2020

It's Monday morning. Again. For 253rd day in a row.

 Seems like a year full of nothing but Mondays, 
doesn't it... 




This just in from the 'WE'RE ALL A 
BUNCH OF PUSSIES' department:  

Cleveland’s Major League Baseball Team 
Will Drop Its Indians Nickname

The Cleveland Indians will drop the team’s longtime nickname, abandoning a moniker that has been the subject of protest by Native American groups who criticized it as racist.
It is unclear at this point what the Indians will call themselves or exactly when they will fully retire the Indians name. An official announcement will likely come this week, but the team isn’t expected to unveil a new name at that time. During the 2019 season, Cleveland eliminated Chief Wahoo—a grinning, red-faced caricature of a Native American that served as their logo — from their uniforms, caps and signs at Progressive Field.
Cleveland’s American League baseball franchise has been known as the Indians since 1915, when local journalists proposed the name as a replacement for the previous nickname: the Naps, after Hall-of-Famer Nap Lajoie. The Indians name was supposedly a way to honor Louis Sockalexis, a member of the Penobscot tribe who played outfield for another professional baseball club in the city in the late 19th Century.  

the pussification of America continues.

One of many 'Old Florida' toll bridges around 
north central Florida where I live.

Must be tough knowing you gotta hire the guy
 that's gonna lock up your kid, huh, Joe?


If ever there was a time when somebody should just be silent and quietly do his job until his tenure is up, I think this is it. For all of your accomplishments during your term, Mr. President - and there were many -  you're proving yourself to be about an angry little petulant, spoiled brat kid. Shut the fuck up.


Shit's gettin' crazier out there every day.

It really is time to start to really think about your own personal safety, and the safety of your loved ones - especially if you live in a 'gun-free state'.
Readers here have been telling me for a while now that not only are they buying them for themselves,  they're buying them for their kids, their girlfriends and their wives. I think that's a great idea. 
Better safe than sorry is 
the best way to be these days...

There are a couple different strengths available here - find the one for you:


I could use a day or two at the Soggy Dollar.

James Cagney in the movie 'Footlight Parade' in 1933. He was a hoofer before he was a gangster.


Even his closest allies think he's being childish 
and want him to shut up.



Blogger and Google were down for quite a while this morning. When Google goes down, does the sun darken a bit? Google services were hit by a global outage on Monday morning.
Per Downdetector, the outage affected YouTube, Gmail, Google Maps, and more, and began at roughly 6:30 a.m. Eastern Time.
Users started to report the services coming back online roughly an hour later.

Ya see - that's subtle. I like subtle.

I've said before and I'll keep saying it. The motherfuckers who arbitrarily shut these places down should dragged behind a horse cart over broken glass while they're trying to put their socks on. Ya follow?

If you - or anyone you know - suffers from Gout the same as I do, you really need to know about this supplement.

Black Cherry Concentrate does one thing - and one thing only. 
It breaks down Uric Acid in your system
 It does nothing else. It doesn't interfere with anything, it has no side effects or contra-indications with other drugs or supplements that I know of. It does just one thing. It knocks down the severity and frequency of gout flareups. I haven't had one in probably five or so years taking just two of these a day. It's a fucking god-send. Believe me. 
Click on this for even more info:


Norman Lear's pad in LA just sold for $ 27,800,00.00. Nice life.


This water tower in Brooklyn. Nice, huh?

I'll leave you today with this 
to think about for the rest of the day. 



Somebody ain't gonna get laid for a LONG time.

I'm 67 years old. This broad has been Queen my entire life. Take a break babe. And while you're at it, ditch the stupid friggin' hats.

Back in '45 during the war, when Queen Elizabeth was still a Princess, she worked (?) as a truck mechanic.


Just in case you forgot what a complete fuckin' scumbag she is - get your relief check yet?




Find something nice for your wife or girlfriend 
for Christmas - it's not too late! 
Take a look at the one-of-a-kind jewelry my wife creates for women. 
Click on any of the pictures...

My wife's jewelry is available on Etsy. It's really nice stuff and the prices include free shipping to almost anywhere! 

See some for yourself here:


  1. Joe, you may say what you like about the Queen but given your current run of Presidents and First Ladies, I'm not sure you are in any position to criticize other countries.

    1. You'll pardon me for saying kind sir that I did not criticize the lady but her hat.

  2. Your comment on Trump is spot on, I loved him however if he keeps up this shit he is actually going to hurt the two GOP candidates for Georgia Senator. Fade away DJT

    The dog biting the leg of probably it's owner would've had it's head blown off if it was mine. That thing looks like it's some type of a pit. Terrible freakin' breed in my opinion

  3. I'm going to chime in about your comment regarding sir are wrong. He has been what this country needed for a very long time. A leader that let the country run the way it was supposed to. All the flack you see from the left is because of their involvement in their theft of this country. Yes, Trump is abrasive; but he is exactly what is needed at this time in history. “I can't spare this man–he fights.”

    1. Then where in the hell were all of our people on election day?? We did not get enough out period. and if you don't think our side wasn't doing some stealing I think you're mistaken. Trump needs to go away now, it's over, he needs to leave it alone before he does some irreparable damage to the rest of the Party. But I'm sure he don't care anyway.And to qualify my statement I feel he's the best President in my life time, and I've been around for 12 of them now

    2. The rest of the party? What party?

    3. The rest of the party is not worth the sweat on his balls. Where have all these cucks been for the last 20 years. All the repub shits ever do is beg for another chance to shove it up our asses while they get together and screw us as fast as the dems.

  4. "A crying child who didn't get his way" is exactly the way the media wants to portray the President. No one in the history of the Republican Party has done more for Republicans (and this nation as a whole) than Trump. It is shameful that many so-called Republicans who rode DJT's coattails into office are too cowardly and/or self-serving to stand with the President. If not for Trump and his supporters, there wouldn't not even be a runoff election in Georgia right now. If we lose the Senate, there probably will never be another fair federal election in our lifetimes. I had much rather have a president who fights the champions of communism and are responsible for perpetuating this massive voter fraud, conspiracy, treason, and sedition than have a Commander in Chief who simply "goes along to get along". The "left" hates America and the American way of life. Never forget that the "left" hates "us" just as badly as they loathe DJT. As long is there is a legal chance for victory, I say give 'em hell Mr. President.

    1. I am with ya, man. I have no respect for people that lay down and die when the going gets tough. Far from a child: he is the man we needed.
      I thought people here would have more guts.

  5. I think in the end they'll find proof of fucking with the election but entirely too late. He was ill-served at best by his lawyers.

  6. Just bought 2 bracelets, stocking stuffers for wife and daughter.


And what are they drinking in your state?

...    Why do I do what I do here? Being able to present what my wife creates is the best reason  I have for doing this,  and when you buy h...