Saturday, September 5, 2020

Killing time is a waste of time, and yet we do it all the time. It's time to stop.

Time is the single most precious thing in our lives. Don't waste another minute if you're not doing what you should be doing... 

I don't mean to get all philosophical and shit, 
but that's the truest thing yer ever gonna hear.


Man promotes renaming "boneless chicken wings" 
at Lincoln City council




This is the giant 2500 year old sequoia that's called General Sherman. Despite its stupendous size, the General Sherman Tree is by no means the oldest known giant sequoia.

 Although its age can only be estimated, most estimates place it somewhere between 2,000 and 2,500 years old. While the General Sherman is the largest currently living tree, it is not the largest historically recorded tree.

Why can't this power-mad dooshbag just shut the fuck up and let people live their lives? What exactly the fuck is his problem? It's as if he's in a life and death competition with Cuomo to see who can talk and act like the biggest jerkoff. 

Seriously Phil, just shut the fuck up already. Juss' sayin'...


I don't believe hardly anything I just hear. If you can't back something up with visual proof, shut the fuck up. He said/she said don't cut it in my world.

The test run on Friday night gave a preview of what the memorial will look like next week, when the twin beams of light will illuminate the sky from dusk to dawn on the night of September 11, the 19th anniversary of the attacks. The tribute was first displayed six months after the attacks that took down the World Trade Center towers, and has been held every year since to honor the victims of the terror attacks. 

The Stephen Siller Tunnel to Towers Foundation last month announced that it was taking over this year's light memorial after the normal organizers said it would be cancelled due to the coronavirus pandemic. This is a great organization. If you can, take a look at what they do, and if you can pitch in, all the better.



But ya wait two seconds, and...

That's why I don't believe shit anymore.


Need a good small range bag 
at a great price? Here it is.

The link is for the black version. Find it here:


I have this on my bucket list.

A vast complex of monumental heated greenhouses in the park of the Royal Palace of Laeken in the north of Brussels.

One of the things I like the most about the Post 
is they just don't cut anybody any slack. Good for them.

Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler has told his neighbors that he’s moving out of their building, relieving everyone there of the need to put up with the regular demonstrations by the lefty mobs plaguing the city. Nice for the other condo residents, and for Wheeler. Too bad for the small-business owners who are in the mob’s way and don’t have that option.

The symbol of my philosophy of life. 
Don't know what this is? Shame on you.



I gotta get a job like this. Doesn't it fascinate you that there are people that actually sit around and think of shit like this?

Can adult entertainment save this endangered amphibian? In honor of National Wildlife Day on Friday, Sept. 4, webcam-focused porn site ImLive has launched a fund-raising campaign to save the so-called “scrotum frog,” a South American amphibian with an unfortunate bodily reference in its name.
The frog — a species living in the Lake Titicaca region, between Peru and Bolivia — is known for being enormous, growing up to 8 inches long and weighing up to 2 pounds and, as of recently, endangered. (The “scrotum,” portion of its title is inspired by the many folds and creases in its green-hued skin.) The amusingly named species made headlines earlier this summer when the International Union for Conservation of Nature reported an approximately 80%-90% decline of the species from 1994 to 2004. This statistic is no laughing matter, as the scrotum frog is considered an “indicator species” and is vital to the area’s ecosystem.
Now, the 18-year-old porn site hopes to help the not-so-little beings by raising money for the Denver Zoo, which has long been a proponent of the funny amphibians.

Make up your mind, dickhead...

How exactly the fuck does smoking have anything at all - in any possible fuckin' way - to do with Corona virus, unless they're all down in the foxhole sharing the last Lucky Strike from the last of the K-rations...

Why buy knock-offs when you can get 
the originals for almost the same price, right?

This is a great set. Mine is under my driver's seat in the truck. 
Find one like it for yourself here:

Lake Bogoria in Kenya is home for 
hundreds of thousands of pink flamingos.

Even though this blog is less than two years old, 
we get around 10,000 page views a day here!

 This is a fairly concise breakdown of where 
the 'traffic' to the blog comes from. 

It makes me very happy to see that a full 55% of our readers come here directly. Bookmarking my blog? I couldn't be prouder. Thanks gotta go out to the other bloggers that share other blogs like I do on my side bar. It's a great way to stay in touch with what's happening in the blogosphere...

In case you were wondering if 
you were doing it right or not..


Long Island, N.Y., based artist Randall Rosenthal 
creates these jaw-dropping wood sculptures 
made of Vermont white pine and acrylic paint. 



Dr. Anthony Fauci, the U.S.' top infectious-disease expert, said seven states that have seen upticks in covid-19 cases.
The states are North Dakota, South Dakota, Iowa, Arkansas, Missouri, Indiana and Illinois should be particularly vigilant over the Labor Day holiday and warned that if Americans are "careless" there could be another jump in cases this fall. 

If he is correct, it will be the first time he ever was. This is the same jerkoff who told us not to wear masks, then reversed himself four times...





This is a great little security item 
for your wife's car or your truck 
There is some seriously bizarre shit happening in the streets these days. If you can't conceal carry like we can here in Florida, this is a damn good thing to have on you.

There are a couple different sizes and strengths available 
but you can find this one here:

Santa Elena Canyon and the 
Rio Grande at Big Bend, Texas

The Queen of England meets the Queen of Hollywood in 1956. 
Both are 30 years old. I was 3.

I find it hard to comment on this...

So I guess I'll just leave ya with this:



American soldiers watch as the Tricolor (French National Flag) flies from the Eiffel Tower again after the liberation of Paris by Allied Forces, September 3, 1944.



A very good home security camera system.

Works on WiFi and connects to your phone or tablet. 

I had a client a while back who had my install five of these on his house - one on each corner and one under the dormer at his front door. 

Find the complete package of four units here:

Raquel Welch in 1967. I was 14. I had no idea 
how deadly sexy this woman was...






  1. Replies
    1. Well boy howdy Phil - nice to see you check in...

  2. If you think Jersey is bad (why do these nitwits believe making the economy bad and people's lives miserable is going to make everybody want to vote Democrat?), there's always OH.

    DeWidiot now has an order out to set up camps (Dachau-on-the-Cuyahoga, anyone?) for people who have tested positive (90% of which are false btw) for the Whitmer Wheeze, but are asymptomatic to isolate them from everybody else.

    Can we borrow Kyle Rittenhouse, I wonder?

    PS Raquel didn't really get sexy until she got older and acquired a little class.

    Fun fact: her first acting job was on the Virginian episode that introduced Clu Gulager as a regular.

    1. Jersey's way up there on the list. The kid's an idiot, Racquel was probably sexy when she was 15, and there we are with that.

  3. Joe I'm too lazy to look up how many "Mad" in the title. A great movie with an unbelievable cast. Is that Victor Mature next to Marilyn? He looks like that smile.hurts!

    1. Victor Mature? Yeesh - and it was at least 4 'mad's...


The Manson Family versus Animal House? Really?

There is a really funny - and quite indepth - article on this very subject here: