Saturday, September 5, 2020

It's Labor Day. Already. WTF - where did the summer go? I need a few chuckles and a coupla beers...

It's impossible for me to believe it's Labor Day weekend... 

Who the fuck stole my summer?





It's true. Stay home and get 
as fucked up as you wanna.

A party I didn't get invited to. Damn.

If this is the way you lean, 
don't be afraid to show your support.
Get yours here:

Yikes - the face is kinda scary, but damn...

Another party I didn't get invited to. Damn.

Just in case - knowledge is power...



Have a dog that stinks? 
Here's a great way to handle that pain in the ass:








If you have any clue what this thing is all about, feel free to chime in...

Like I said - just stay home and drink...

Summer's over already and you're still grilling 
with that same old lame ass grill set? Dude - please.

You could probably use a new grill tool set. 
This one's really nice.

Take a look here:










My neighbor two doors away got these 
back in July, so I hadda get some for us

They look really cool at night, and ya just pop 'em 
out when yer gonna mow the lawn...

Marked down to $ 20 bucks! 
Get some for yourself here:

Okay. I had her left over from 
Fourth of July. Shoot me.





As in, 'Really - you hadda put 
that piecashit into this post?'




It's free for 30 days to try out. 
Get it? FREE. Why not try it?



Okay Auntie - last time. If I don't getcha this time I surrender...

If you  get this, I'll know for sure you're using photo-manipulating  software. Juss' sayin... ...     Here's a great idea f...