Saturday, September 5, 2020

It's Labor Day. Already. WTF - where did the summer go? I need a few chuckles and a coupla beers...

It's impossible for me to believe it's Labor Day weekend... 

Who the fuck stole my summer?





It's true. Stay home and get 
as fucked up as you wanna.

A party I didn't get invited to. Damn.

If this is the way you lean, 
don't be afraid to show your support.
Get yours here:

Yikes - the face is kinda scary, but damn...

Another party I didn't get invited to. Damn.

Just in case - knowledge is power...



Have a dog that stinks? 
Here's a great way to handle that pain in the ass:








If you have any clue what this thing is all about, feel free to chime in...

Like I said - just stay home and drink...

Summer's over already and you're still grilling 
with that same old lame ass grill set? Dude - please.

You could probably use a new grill tool set. 
This one's really nice.

Take a look here:










My neighbor two doors away got these 
back in July, so I hadda get some for us

They look really cool at night, and ya just pop 'em 
out when yer gonna mow the lawn...

Marked down to $ 20 bucks! 
Get some for yourself here:

Okay. I had her left over from 
Fourth of July. Shoot me.





As in, 'Really - you hadda put 
that piecashit into this post?'




It's free for 30 days to try out. 
Get it? FREE. Why not try it?



Our friends at Twisted Hillbilly are still sending these young lovelies our way...

I like it - and evidently so did the Twisted boys,  but I does believe that's some AI magic there. Comes from a 100% bullshit Twitter s...