Friday, September 4, 2020

Confused about which way to turn? I have the answer here:

Turn to your bartender and say 'Yeah, while yer here, I'll have another'... 






With a rack like that how can you say no?






Wanna piss of your liberal neighbor?
Better yet, just want a cool beer coozie?

Here ya go:










If I had too much time on my hands
 (which I never, ever do) I'd probably 
be able to make one of these, but why
 bother? What a cool little gadget.

Get one for yourself here:





There's a friggin' world championship?

I'll drink to that...





I had no idea how insanely good these things sound.
Now I know. Merry early Christmas to me.
Now, if I can only get on a plane to go somewhere...





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