Friday, September 4, 2020

It's Labor Day and you're still locked down? Fuck that.

We have 60 days to start to make a radical change in this country. 

Re-elect the President and throw every other motherfucker in Washington out of office. Drain that swamp... 



The data doesn't surprise me. The photo kinda does.


This is a repost from last night's cocktail blog because: 
A) It's my blog and I can do it if I want
B) Sammy's hair is pretty fuckin' funny 
C) It is a rockin' tune - give it a listen while ya scroll through today's daily dose of nonsense.

A little Sammy Hagar - 'I Can't Drive 55' 
to get yer ass up to speed.

Like what you're hearing here? 
There's so much more great drinkin' and drivin' Rock to explore with Amazon Prime Music. 

Find out for yourself - right click on the banner to make it 
open in a new tab and see for yourself:


That's a great gesture - from last night's game. Very cool.

That's a 1935 Buick Series 60 Five-Passenger Sedan. Somewhere between big-time luxury and a gangster car. Either way ya hadda be pretty well-healed to have one of these.

What the fuck is wrong with these people? 

A white professor says she has been pretending to be black for her entire professional career

A professor of African and Latin American studies who portrayed herself as Black has now revealed she has been lying.  Jessica A. Krug, an associate professor at George Washington University, has written extensively about Africa, Latin America, the diaspora and identity, all while claiming her own Black and Latina heritage. But in an article published on on Thursday, Krug revealed the truth: She is White.

"To an escalating degree over my adult life, I have eschewed my lived experience as a white Jewish child in suburban Kansas City under various assumed identities within a Blackness that I had no right to claim: first North African Blackness, then US rooted Blackness, then Caribbean rooted Bronx Blackness," she wrote.

Krug acknowledged in her post that she had no right to claim these identities, saying that "doing so is the very epitome of violence, of thievery and appropriation, of the myriad ways in which non-Black people continue to use and abuse Black identities and cultures."

'Course, if you were really well-healed, ya coulda had a 1937 Packard Twelve Convertible Sedan.

Three years ago - almost hard to believe. 
We dodged a bullet on that one...

A very good home security camera system.
Works on WiFi and connects to your phone or tablet. I had a client a while back who had my install five of these on his house - one on each corner and one under the dormer at his front door. 

Find the complete package of four units here:


Yeah. Gettin' old does suck but - 
it beats the fuck outta the alternative.

Yeah - tell me that dinghy's tied to the dock. 

Joe appeared to try to make a lame-ass bullshit joke on Thursday that if he spoke any longer about his plan to increase taxes on the wealthy “he’ll shoot me,” as he addressed a group of Kenosha residents.

While explaining to locals in attendance at Grace Lutheran Church how he planned to pay for several of the initiatives aimed at combating racial inequality that he’d outlined moments earlier, Biden alluded to several people in the audience who appeared to stand up during his remarks or otherwise seemed antsy for the Democratic nominee to wrap up. And they don't like the shit Trump says...


It's about time these scumbags 
start to get their due.

The suspected gunman who fatally shot a right-wing protester in Portland last weekend was reportedly shot and killed by law enforcement authorities Thursday night as they attempted to arrest him. Michael Forest Reinoehl, 48, died in Lacey, Washington, where federal agents were attempting to take him into custody for the shooting.




What your 'leaders' have done to these small businesses 
is just plain fuckin' despicable.

Nearly two-thirds of restaurants in New York State say they’ll have to shut their doors if they don’t obtain additional government relief, according to a damn-near tragic survey released Thursday. 
The New York State Restaurant Association polled 1,042 eateries and 64 percent said they are likely to close by year’s end without help to counter a loss of business because of the coronavirus pandemic.

And their 'civic leaders' can't even 
pretend to give a shit.



Ever since this quarantine shit started back in March, my wife has developed a new 'affinity' for baking. 

She who hasn't cooked a 7th meal in 37 years now (and that's a story for another day, trust me) is all of a sudden Betty Fuckin' Crocker. I'm okay with it, believe me - she's gettin' pretty good at it, and havin' munchies around the house all the time doesn't exactly suck. Any way - she bought this stuff online about four months ago. I've honestly never tasted or tried any Vanilla that was even remotely as good as this stuff is.

It's available in a number of different sized bottles, and for the quality of the product, it's amazingly low-priced..
 Find it here and see for yourself:


Nancy Pelosi claims that her little hair salon flap 
shows that there is a 'crisis of political arrogance'

Didn't ya wanna jump through the fuckin' TV 
and just beat the livin' shit outta this 
raggedy-ass miserable old cunt when she did this?



Biden met Thursday with Jacob Blake’s family in Wisconsin, putting his stamp on the national debate over policing and racial injustice and seizing the opportunity to accuse President Trump of legitimizing the “dark side of human nature.”

Photo and caption from the Washington Post.

Does this guy even a partial kinda clue about what he himself is talking about? Why isn't he talking policy instead of this nonsense?



Raquel Welch on a London balcony in 1970.
The epitome of hotness.

US national park gateway towns ‘devastated’ as visitors stay away amid pandemic shutdowns.

Ya rarely - if ever - think about shit like this but it's true, and it's scary. On a normal Saturday in August, Mara Goodman would see up to 300 visitors at her job at the Mariposa county visitor center located on Highway 140, one of the major routes into Yosemite national park.
But it’s been months since Goodman saw a normal Saturday. This year, she’s more likely to get 30 visitors on a good day. That’s partly because Yosemite, which reopened in early June after a two-month closure, is only admitting half of its normal number of daily visitors due to the coronavirus.
Gateway communities are suffering financially. For these communities, locals alone can’t make up for the loss in visitor spending. Mariposa’s outsized number of hotels, restaurants and retail stores, for example, are meant to accommodate Yosemite’s roughly 4 million annual visitors, not the county’s 17,000 residents.

This is a great little security item for 
your wife's car or your truck 

There is some seriously bizarre shit happening in the streets these days. If you can't conceal carry like we can here in Florida, this is a damn good thing to have on you.

There are a couple different sizes and strengths available 
but you can find this one here:
SABRE RED Pepper Gel


Gotta have us just one more 'cup'a 'Pandering and meandering Joe' as we ramble on here:

Joe said a black man invented the light bulb, 
'not a white guy named Edison' yesterday. 

Biden gave a speech to community leaders in Kenosha, Wisconsin, after meeting privately with the family of Jacob Blake. Biden may have been referring to Lewis Howard Latimer, (bottom inset) a black man who improved Edison's work with carbon filaments for light bulbs.

Ya can't make shit like this up. 
Nobody'll ever believe ya.

This is from the U.K. Guardian. 
This is 'reporting' somehow.

A social distancing bubble for high-risk people


Murphy is almost single-handedly fuckin' destroying the economy of my home state and he has the balls to bitch about Trump? Fuck him and the horse he rode in on.


A woman and her pretzel stand 
in New York City. 1952.

The valuations of some of these tech giants are way the fuck outta line with their actual values as companies and investments. The numbers hardly ever make sense, but people make shitloads of money buying and selling the shit. Go figure.

You have smoke alarms in the house - you should have a stash of batteries and replace them all every two years.

 I had no idea Amazon had their own branded batteries, 
and these have a 10-year shelf life.

MUCH cheaper than Harbor Freight or Walmart 
and better quality too. 
Find some here:

28 year-old Jenny Joseph modeling for what would become the original Columbia Pictures logo. She had never modeled before, and never did again...

The NYPD said 'counter-protesters' were at the scene and fights between the two groups may have spurred the incident. You're gonna see shit like this happening more and more often as everyday folks - like me and you - get fully fuckin' fed up with all of this protesting fuckin' bullshit.
As you can see if the pic, a car drove through a crowd of Black Lives Matter protesters in New York City's Times Square yesterday. The NYPD said no complaints have been made, but witnesses said several people suffered injuries. Good. Fuck 'em all. Witnesses initially identified the vehicle as an unmarked police car, but the NYPD denied that claim.
 The Black Lives Matter protest was in response to the death of Daniel Prude, a 41-year-old black man who suffocated while in police custody - in Rochester, NY - not in NYC. 

I'll leave ya with this:







Farm Boy at a general store pop stand in Lamoille Iowa, October 1939.








  1. Nice touch by the Mets for Tom Seaver, what a great freaking pitcher. HOFer Jim Palmer nailed it when he said Seaver was the best pitcher of that generation and Palmer was certainly no slouch either. I remember the experts saying he wouldn't last long because he was going to burn himself out because of his style of throwing. Well 20 years and 300+ wins later, who looks foolish now? R.I.P. Mr.Seaver & Godspeed

    1. When you nickname is 'the franchise' that kinda says something...

  2. Wait'll Slojo finds out that the NAACP was founded by wyppl.

    1. Hiya Bunk. I like what Trump's calling him now - Joe Hiden...


Not original to the series, but...

Click on the picture for more information on these unique hand-made earrings. They're only $ 20.00 and that includes free shipping!   ht...