Saturday, August 1, 2020

Saturday night Rule 5 blues

Hurricane's coming and I'm gettin' ready... 


Let's listen to the King of the Blues tonight - BB King.



Like what you're hearing here? There's so much more great 
live and classic blues to explore with Amazon Prime Music.

PLUS you get all of the advantages of Amazon Prime 
including free next day delivery! 

Find out for yourself - right click on the banner to make it 
open in a new tab and see for yourself:


THAT is a pretty deadly look, wouldn'tja say?

(I hadda repost this)

Let's have a drink, sit back and watch the girls 
while we listen.







This appears to be a very popular item these days, and these days are pretty fuckin' bizarre, so it makes sense. 
People have told me that not only are they buying them for themselves,  they're buying them for their kids, their girlfriends and their wives. I think that's a great idea. Better safe than sorry is the best way to be these days.. 

There are a couple different strengths available here - find the one that's right for you:


That's kinda patriotic, isn't it?



That's borderline patriotic

That's Katie Perry

And that's high maintenance, I guarantee it.

These are good sweat socks - 
I been buying 'em for 10 years at least and this is a really good price for them.  
 Okay - my wife's actually been buyin' 'em for me but what difference does that make? 

Find 'em for yourself here:

It would be really hard to look
 into her eyes and not smile...

And THAT is incredibly high maintenance.




Very subtle. VERY nice.

Right click on the banner to open it in a new tab or window:


While yer listening, scroll down and catch up on some earlier posts - there a lot there! Enjoy...

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Yer killin' me Auntie - can't get one by you. Here ya go...

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