Sunday, August 16, 2020

A little bit of everything on Sunday night - but a lot of Rule 5 rules.

Today kinda sucked - let's have a beer or two 
and see where this goes...

Hop on board - this can be a fun ride...



Just click on the    Follow     box on the ride side bar.

She's a very close second in the perfection contest.


Just got a new one for myself - 
this is the one I bought.
Take a look at yours and see if it isn't something you need to replace.

Get yours here:









A leather over-nighter for under 40 bucks? 
THIS is a helluva deal.

See for yourself:





I've posted her pic before - I think it was this one actually - and a reader emailed me and told me she's a porn star. He didn't tell me her name or I'd certainly go find more GIF's of her (NOT x-rated - I wanna keep this blog going). I don't care if she is or she isn't, but damn Bubba -  this girl is cute.



I think I had one of these once...


We all know that these are crazy times 
all over the country. 
This is a great little security item for your wife's car or your truck 

There are a couple different sizes and strengths available here:





Precautions are mandatory these days.



These are really comfortable pants. No kidding.  
They're seriously comfortable. 
Even here in Florida in the summer.

At 25 bucks each, a good deal, too. See for yourself:


I would never leave that bar, wherever it is.




That's marryin' material, bubba.




Ahh - the girls. Wonder where they are...


Just a heads-up my friends. I've been getting spammed pretty bad for the last few weeks, so I've started comment moderation and you have to have a Google account to post a comment now. Sorry 'bout dat but there's scumbags out there that just continue to fuck with you if you don't push back a bit.

P.S. - All followers of the blog CAN post comments, so it's kinda pays to follow the blog...



So - who is she?

Nobody guessed last night, so I gotta  give you an easier one tonight...