Sunday, June 7, 2020

Rainy (better now?) Sunday day drinking? Absofuckinlutely !

What else are ya gonna do 
on a shitty day like today? 









This is a helluva good deal. You can tool-up 
in one quick shot at a great price.

Find this low-priced set here:






That's there's marryin' material, bubba...


Every driver you'll ever need at a price that just can't be beat?  Absolutely. 

You'll find it here:








I'm serious - do you take a multi? 

I've asked this question before. It's a great idea. I'm not kidding - it's just a good habit to get in to, especially as ya get older like I am. This is the one I take.

You can find it here for yourself. 
There's a women's version available here as well:






  1. Riany? Maybe you need some apple juice.

  2. FYI - still your call but learned earlier today that 'Amazon' has gone full blown in support for black lives matter..............
