Saturday, May 16, 2020

Drinking with the Corona girls

If ya can't beat 'em, join 'em. Or is it 'if ya can't lick 'em'... 

It is Saturday night after all...

and there are an awful lotta them.








This is a great bag to have. I keep two in my truck - 
one with plumbing tools and one with electrical stuff.

Get a couple for yourself - they're incredibly inexpensive 
and well worth it at only $ 12.46 each. 
No kidding - that's all.

Find yours by clicking on this link:







Depending on where ya live, these might be 
necessary for the next coupla months. 

Thank God I don't live in L.A. or NY.

There's gonna be a whole lotta places you won't be able to go to for a long fuckin' time  without wearing a mask. You can get these masks super fast - they're in stock and ready to ship. Best part? They're washable.

If ya don't use 'em all they're still great 
for around the shop or the job site - and they're washable.






Yup - she does that every time I buy here a beer.








And, of course, this...


Do you keep a First Aid kit in your vehicle? 

If ya don't ya really might wanna think about it. 
You could save a life someday. 

This is a pretty good one and it'll fit under your front seat 
if ya don't wanna keep it in the trunk. 

Take a look - click on this link: 



These two MSDNC cunts should both choke on their words...

According to the NY Post (I don't watch the channel), Maddow bizarrely accused Trump of being “disgusting” for spotlighting DJ’s heroic...