Sunday, April 12, 2020

Your Easter Sunday funnies

Might just need them more today then any other day...





Now THAT is funny.











Doug Sneyd was a contributor to Playboy for 30+ years. 
His artwork is absolutely brilliant.

You can find an amazing collection of the stuff 
he did NOT publish in Playboy here:






If you them as much as I do, ya gotta 
get this for your bathroom reading...

You can find it here:









Can you imagine this poor motherfucker quarantined with THAT? Fuck I'd just go in the backyard and shoot myself.







  1. Take her in the backyard and let her commit suicide.

  2. Bill Clinton lives in NYC, Hilary in DC. They're only married for political appearances sake and only show up together for political reasons. She treats staff and Secret Service people like shit.


Yer killin' me Auntie - can't get one by you. Here ya go...

...    When you buy your wife, daughter or girfriend gifts of the jewelry Barbara makes, you do three things:  You show your support for thi...