Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Rule 5 Time - I'm not drinking tonight.

That's only if tonight is October 20, 1965.

Otherwise, gimme a friggin' beer, 
and bring on the ladies... 


Because I'm patriotic, that's why.



This is a serious carry case for serious shooters. Sooner or later we're gonna be able to get back to the range, so be ready, Bud.

Take a look - click on this:







Because I'm patriotic, that's why.




Stuck at home with nothing to do?

You know full well there's a 
fuckin' honey-do list there somewhere.  

This'll help ya get 'er done...

It's here at a price a helluva lot better 
than Home Depot or Lowes.
And they'll ship it FREE.

Check it out for yourself:






Okay - I'll have a beer or two - 
but then I gotta go... 

Especially if she's servin'





Because I'm patriotic - 
do I havta keep explainin' this to ya?


Before we go answer this: 

Do you keep a First Aid kit in your vehicle?

You should. And this one's perfect.

Find it here - click on this:

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Not original to the series, but...

Click on the picture for more information on these unique hand-made earrings. They're only $ 20.00 and that includes free shipping!   ht...