Monday, April 27, 2020

Enough is enough but this is getting crazy

It's time to stop this charade and get back to work before we kill the goose, guys... 

The reporting - the "news" - has gotten too stupid. 
No one knows what to believe anymore.
 It's all gotta stop.


We have to open up all of the shuttered businesses and go back to work. If we don't - VERY SOON - millions of lives will be destroyed. It's that simple.


Especially the bars. They gotta open first.

I remember seeing displays like these in our neighborhood hardware store. Did you see anything like this growing up?

They're gonna havta hire a shitload more 
bankruptcy judges, that's fer certain.

Bankruptcy is a tactic that companies and people use when they can’t pay their bills. They typically agree to pay a portion of what their creditors are owed, and to submit to oversight until they regain their balance.  

There are almost literally millions of bankruptcies looming on the horizon. People are screwed, businesses are screwed, lenders are fucked and the whole house of cards teeters on the brink.



'And chill ran down my leg' - what a dooshbag.

Ya see what I mean? Nothing is EVER as it's presented 
or as it first appears.

Former MSNBC “Hardball” host Chris Matthews has spoken out publicly for the first time since retiring amid sexual-harassment allegations nearly two months ago — and admits he was “inappropriate” and even found his accuser’s story “very credible.” “I didn’t argue about it, I didn’t deny it,” Matthews told Vanity Fair magazine of journalist Laura Bassett’s claim that she was harassed by the cable TV star.

Bassett wrote in a column for GQ magazine in late February that during one uncomfortable encounter with the married Matthews in 2016, as she was getting ready for an appearance on his show, he “looked over at me in the makeup chair next to him and said, ‘Why haven’t I fallen in love with you yet?’ ”  Matthews abruptly resigned from “Hardball” — after a 20-year run that had recently included other controversial comments — three days later.


Stacey Abrams Is Waging A Public Campaign For VP — Will It Pay Off?

This is another thing we gotta just get past. 
Joe Biden as President with this fuckin' moron as VP? 
Good God I'd move to Mexico first. 

The 'honey-do's' must be killin' ya 
with this quarantine business. 

Might be nice to have some serious toolage to work with - maybe you should make them a little 'gift' to yourself.

Get them here at a phenomenal price:







Speakin' of people who wanna be President...

The NY governor - who himself has described nursing homes as a “feeding frenzy’’ for the deadly coronavirus - said that the facilities can’t challenge a state regulation forcing them to admit patients with the contagion. But he insisted that nursing homes could transfer those ill with the virus to another facility if the centers lacked such things as quarantine space, proper protective equipment and staff.

Asked by a reporter at his daily briefing Sunday if there was anything contradictory about his statements, the governor replied, “No.”

“A nursing home can only provide care for a patient who they believe they can provide adequate care for,’’ Cuomo said. “If they cannot provide adequate care for a patient, they must transfer that patient.”


How can they make these claims? You don't know who to believe 
anymore so how can even mentioning these numbers be legit?



House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Monday finally climbed out of her rat hole and endorsed former Vice President and presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden – saying 'Only he can help guide the US out of the coronavirus crisis'.

God help us all.

“As we face coronavirus, Joe has been a voice of reason and resilience, with a clear path to lead us out of this crisis,” Pelosi said in a prerecorded video.

The California Democrat also cited Biden’s experience helping to pass the Affordable Care Act and implementing the 2009 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. Her endorsement follows former President Barack Obama, former Vice President Al Gore, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), among others, in backing Biden in taped testimonials.

Who else thinks this fuckin' guy will crash and burn BEFORE the election?



Speaking of morons, did we mention DiBlasio today? Jeez...

Most single Democrats would not consider being in a committed relationship with a Trump voter, online dating survey finds


I found and posted this kick-ass Old Timer a while back. 
It's a legit boot knife, and it's really well made.
It even comes with a leather belt sheath.

You'll find it here for 8 bucks less than anywhere else:


The Louisiana estate of “Duck Dynasty” star Willie Robertson was fired at in a drive-by shooting Friday — with one bullet piercing a bedroom window, a report said. Nobody was injured in the shooting, where up to 10 shots were fired at Robertson’s home from a suspected pickup truck on a road outside of the West Monroe property, according to the Monroe-News Star.

“We were pretty shooked up,” Robertson, who had just left to go to the store before the 2:30 p.m. shooting.  It looks like they were just spraying bullets across my property. Nobody was outside at the time, but everybody had been out about 5 minutes before,” Robertson said.


Michael Jordan once dragged Dennis Rodman out of Vegas bed as Carmen Electra hid in the closet.

I hope the little fat fuck IS dead. Juss sayin'

Residents in the North Korean capital have resorted to panic-buying (yeah - like there's actually shit to buy over there) amid reports that controversial leader Kim Jong Un is gravely ill or dead. Store shelves in Pyongyang were being cleaned out of everything from liquor to laundry detergent, canned fish to cigarettes in recent days — as conflicting reports continue to surface about the portly dictator’s possible demise.

Despite an assertion from South Korean leaders Sunday that Kim was “alive and well,” his fate remains uncertain.


The Hubble Telescope is about the single most important thing 
man has ever built, and nobody is paying attention.

On April 24, 2020, the Hubble Space Telescope celebrated its 30th year in orbit by premiering a never-before-seen view of two beautiful nebulas named NGC 2020 and NGC 2014.

Good god that must have tasted friggin' insane good.

N.J. system that handles unemployment benefits is still down. State says it’s working on the problem. 


Yankees announcer Michael Kaye


Need an eye-opener? 

If this coffee doesn't do it for you, check for a pulse. 
This is seriously good, wickedly strong Java.

You will not be disappointed by this blend. 
It is just plain delicious.

Find it here - they have K-cups also:


  1. Not only are you using my picture of 'Ted (the horse) on the long and winding road to Benbulben', but you have altered it by adding text..
    This image has been lifted from my FB page
    It is not a free image - there is a fee for this sort of use..
    Please get in touch!

    1. Which picture is that John? I would never steal anything that's copyrighted (or at least not intentionally). I don't know what picture you're referring to. If it's one of my 'good morning' pics I'm happy to take it down. By the way - thanks for reading the blog. Tell the date I posted it please...

    2. I saw the two pictures you mentioned and I apologize for any confusion. I do not follow you on Facebook but I do know that all of the pictures I use for my morning greetings are from open-source stuff on Google images. If there were any indication that they were copyrighted in any way I would not have used them Sadly, both of those entries are too far back in time for me to be able to either delete them or add a photo credit for you. Again, I apologize for using them inadvertently. My brother has a home in Doochary- County Donegal and I truly love the area - that's why I liked the pictures and used them.... Tell ya what - how about next time I'm over we meet in Glenties and you let me buy you a couple of pints... All my best, Joe

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Here's the UK fucking us out of more money again...

And the EU isn't far behind with a similar 'Travel Fee' starting next year. Okay, it's only $ 12.90 per person at today'...