Sunday, March 29, 2020

Your Sunday funnies

We could all use a smile at the end of this long fucked up week... 






Sometimes the simplest answers are the best...





Doud Sneyd, more than anyone else featured in Playboy over all those years, raised the art and craftmanship of cartoons to a completely new lever.

The guy is and was brilliant. 
Here's a definitive collection of his work at the magazine: 

Find it here on Amazon:


As an aside, there's also this collection 
of his unpublished stuff:

For over fifty years Doug Sneyd has been a regular contributor to Playboy, and for every cartoon published in the magazine, he created several more illustrated concepts with gag lines written by himself or by his own stable of writers.

You can find this one here also:









I would always Read C&H first before any of the other comics. 

I like what Watterson said when he finally stopped drawing the cartoon. "I think he (Calvin) has said all he needs to say"  

Nuff said.

Find this collection here:




We're at 96 now - just 4 more and poof - 
there goes my c-note.


And finally this. 

In my opinion the greatest single one-panel ever created. 


Do you or someone you know need gloves 
during this coronavirus thing? 

This is the best offer I could find for you on gloves that are actually worth buying - there's an awful lotta cheap-ass garbage out there. 

This is surgical grade hospital quality stuff 
at a really good price:


  1. I picked up a box of gloves from Harbor Freight (5 mil) for dumping the black tank on the RV, since these changes in the world they have been doing all that I ask of them. (I wear them in the grocery store then toss them before I open the car).

  2. Yeah - these are the kind the nurses use...


Yer killin' me Auntie - can't get one by you. Here ya go...

...    When you buy your wife, daughter or girfriend gifts of the jewelry Barbara makes, you do three things:  You show your support for thi...