Saturday, March 28, 2020

The view in re-week.

Or vica-versa. Who cares - 
I wouldn't wanna have to relive that bullshit week again... 


The news media beats the shit outta us with numbers,  but never the right ones. 

Take this for instance. They're listing the 'Deaths per million ratio. It's almost impossible for anyone to comprehend what a million of anything is, so how, like in the case of Italy, is the number 49.3 relevant? For that matter, why is it important? 

It isn't - that's my point. 

Relatively speaking not very...

Here in Florida I live in a development - a community larger than any other like it in the world. It's so big, it encompasses three counties - THREE. It's 15 miles north to south and almost the same east to west. There are in excess of 120,000 full time residents here in The Villages. It's THAT big.

The Villages has it's own newspaper and it's own AM and FM radio stations. It has it's own news website. 

You can find it here:

Anyway, even they are transfixed on numbers - as if numbers matter in any significant way. For instance, they reported in the daily paper here

that there were 25 confirmed cases of the virus in The Villages. How is that a fucking headline number in any way? There are over 120k people here? That number is so negligible it's friggin' ridiculous. 

Wanna know what the relevancy of that number is? 

I did the math for ya. Liz Warren has a higher percentage of Injun in her than this figure. It's ridiculous. It's 2 10,000ths of one percent or some ridiculous shit like that. 

Gimme a fuckin' break with this nonsense already.

Do yourself (and me) a big favor: 




In The Villages, Home To Over 50,000 Golf Carts, 
Golf Cart Seat Belts Are Rare 

You heard that right. 
That's how many there are here. 

The carts are hard to miss. The Villages, a retirement community where most of the inhabitants are over the age of 60, is home to approximately 120,000 people and more than 50,000 golf carts, according to Babiarz Law Firm of The Villages.

For the record, I do NOT have one.

People do some strange shit when they're bored:

The Villages R/C Model Sailboat Club - 
it's a buncha old guys playing with expensive toys pretending not to be bored outta there fuckin' minds. 

The Villages has a Model Sailboat Club that meets  every Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday at an area Recreation Center. They try to sail until noon, weather permitting. They are open to new members and those who want to give it a try — and ya don’t have to have any previous experience. Ya just have to be able to work a remote control. 

Yeah - good luck with that. Have you seen these fuckin' people drive?

Typical Villagers who watch entirely too much fucking TV.

How seriously they're taking this on Facebook.


Barbara Eden and Colonel Chuck. 
I'm 110% convinced there's a joke or two in there 
but I'll be damned if I can find one.


A muslim and a Jew in Isreal workin' and praying together on on a street somewhere probably. Who actually gives a shit, right? 

Actually, I forgot why I even posted the picture...

Oh - that's right. They spelt the name wrong on the truck.

New Orleans mayor says she would have canceled Mardi Gras if Trump administration had warned about coronavirus dangers 

This tragic fuckin' guy just can't get a break. 
No matter WHAT happens, it's somehow his fault. ALL Politicans are fuckin' scumbags.


Broadway in lower Manhattan, circa 1912, 
with a view of Trinity Church with a view of the Singer Building 
and the rising Woolworth Building in the background

Todd Rundgren and an all-star crew are re-recording his 1973 anthem “Just One Victory” and giving it away for free to Democrats all over America running for public office this year. It’s still early in the process, but Joe Walsh, Daryl Hall, and Paul Shaffer have already pledged to join.

“Everyone is trying to figure out what they can do to get that maniac out of the White House,” Rundgren says on the phone from his house on the Hawaiian island of Kauai. “More importantly, to get the banana Republican Party out of governing wherever possible. The song will be available to any Democratic candidate that’s been approved by the DNC to use at for campaigns and at their rallies. They can also use it in a commercial if they so desire.”

Three of my favorite musicians 
- except Paul Schaffer (fuck him he's a goofball)
shitting the bed and blowing the fuck up in one move. Fuck.

Werner Klemperer (colonel Klink), Elke Sommer and Bob Crane starred in the really, really bad movie 'The Wicked Dreams of Paula Schultz' in 1968.
She was just so smokin' fuckin' hot. Jeez.


And yet, sadly, not a statistic. Yet.




Dolly Parton Tells Fans to Keep the Faith During Coronavirus Pandemic
“Don’t be too scared. It’s gonna be alright, God loves us.” 

Her buddy Kenny Rogers sure picked a fine time to leave us. 
Guess he really did know when to fold 'em, huh?

Sorry, hanging out while 6 feet apart isn’t coronavirus social distancing, expert says

I installed one of these for a client yesterday afternoon. 
I betcha she's still playing with it.

You can get one for  yourself by 
clicking on this banner:



Singers singing soothing songs for sick people...

“During this time I’m definitely turning to musical nostalgia to find comfort,” says Taylor Swift, who’s posted a Spotify playlist of her selections, doubling as a celebration of Women’s History Month. “And some of the artists I’ve been listening to are the female songwriters I would listen to obsessively while I was in my formative years.”

Stevie Nicks weighs in on the glories of Harry Styles’ Fine Line; Sheryl Crow gives a glimpse of her social-distancing life with her kids in Nashville and explains why she’s been listening to music from her childhood.

The sad thing about the media that I keep trying to make you see is that they really DO think we give a fuck about these people. Unbelievable, isn't it?

Watching his 401k over the last coupla weeks...


Tells ya everything ya need to know about that fuckin' rag, don't it?

MLB players open to games without fans amid coronavirus uncertainty, union chief says

Yeah - I remember some of my friends parents having this 
avocado colored silliness in their houses in the 60's...

You should be so fuckin' lucky...

This was last night's dinner. 
A pizza Quarentina.

White pie - no tomato sauce. Sicilian style.

Olive oil, garlic, sweet peppers, onions, anchovies and seasoning with Mozzarella, Romano and Parmesan cheese. Did NOT suck.

You guys can do this at home, too. 

Ya gotta have a good Pizza Stone. 

It's the single most important item ya need to make a descent pie for yourself at home. 

You can use frozen or fresh or even made-from-scratch pizza dough, and you can put whatever the fuck you want to on the pie, but if ya wanna cook really GOOD pie ya gotta have a good stone to bake it on.

Here is a really good one you can get:

Trust me when I tell ya these things are solid gold - well worth the money. 

Get one for yourself here - click on the description:


Typical everyday argument here in The Villages?

Maybe in 20 years or so. 
These fuckin' people are still listenin' to the 
Everly Brothers and Perry fuckin' Como for godsakes...

Ya know what I think 
when I see shit like this?

I think somebody's got too much fuckin' money, that's what.



More genius satire from Cris Shapan

I know sooner or later somebody's gonna havta make money offa this virus bullshit, right?


Those who violate N.J. lockdown orders to be prosecuted, officials say. ‘The time for warning is over.’ 

Gov. Phil Murphy blasted New Jersey residents not abiding by his coronavirus outbreak stay-at-home order by saying he’s “really damned unhappy" about violators, and the state’s top law enforcement officer declared “the time for warning is over.”

These power-hungry muthafuckas are very, very dangerous.

I'll leave ya with this...


Do you keep a First Aid rig in your car or truck? 
You most certainly should, don'tcha think? 

It comes with an added bonus smaller kit. 


  1. Here's little reality to go with your contention that Kung Flu is a nothing burger.

    I've been keeping a spread sheet of World Wide and US stats on Kung Flu since 10-MAR. In 17 days the WW death rate has increased from 3.51% to 4.53%. Meanwhile the US death rate has decreased from 2.91% to 1.51%. I think that's because of the dramatic rise in number of cases being reported and the heroic efforts of the our ER and ICU people around the country.

    I'm using simple equations to determine %'s, i.e. # dead / # of cases = %

    I think it's maybe early to really rely on this data as a trend because we haven't gotten to our host's OH SHIT we're out of ICU beds quite yet, but we're rapidly getting there. The US case (that's confirmed cases, either hospitalized or tested, I'm not sure which it is or both) numbers come from the John's Hopkins dashboard at 8:00AM each day and have ballooned by 100X+ (from 755 to 86012) in 17 days.

    That 100X number is scary as hell. if 100X does 100X again in 17 more days, that's ~30% of the current US population.

    Another 100X 17 days further on? We're done as a country.

    In short, your information is as fucked up as Hogan's goat. The number you should be looking at are the numbers for the entire state of FL, then broken down by county. Here's the age demographics for The Villages: The overall median age is 71.2 years, 72.2 years for males, and 70.4 years for females. The prime age groups for DEATH by Kung Flu.

    So, go ahead keep saying that Kung Flu is a nothing burger. I hope you survive.


  2. Nemo - you miss my point entirely. Of course it's a deadly disease. My comments were about the reporting - the endless droning on about the number of cases and number of deaths with no reporting at all on the number of or chances of full and complete recovery. The media focuses solely on extremes for no other reason than to create sensationalism.

    Thanks for the feedback. Stay safe brutha.........

  3. It's Saturday the 28th and the Villages has 25 confirmed cases (you don't mention deaths). Make a note and next Saturday (4th of April) take a look again.
    It will either be interesting (as in the ancient Chinese curse) or you'll once again be able to poo-poo the reported numbers & have some history to back it up!

    Good luck!

  4. You hit the nail on the head with the Rolling Stone comment. That Rolling Stone picture is a sad commentary on our society....


Yer killin' me Auntie - can't get one by you. Here ya go...

...    When you buy your wife, daughter or girfriend gifts of the jewelry Barbara makes, you do three things:  You show your support for thi...