Monday, March 23, 2020

Nothing left to shut down?

We'll see about that - 
in the meantime... 


Senate Democrats block mammoth coronavirus stimulus package

Certainly one of the bigger dickheads in the Senate, Chuckie Shooooomer has never held a real job. In his entire life. Ever. Probably never even delivered papers when he was a kid. What a complete fuckin' tool this guy is.

Senate Democrats on Sunday blocked a coronavirus stimulus package from moving forward as talks on several key provisions remain stalled. Senators voted 47-47 on advancing a “shell” bill, a placeholder that the text of the stimulus legislation would have been swapped into, falling short of the three-fifths threshold needed to advance the proposal.  

Hopes of a quick stimulus deal quickly unraveled on Sunday as the four congressional leaders and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin failed to break the impasse. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) also delayed the procedural vote for three hours as they tried to get a deal. 

Democratic senators argue that the GOP bill includes several “non-starters” and walks back areas of agreement, such as expanding unemployment insurance, they thought they had reached with Republicans.

They emerged from a closed-door lunch fuming over the bill circulated by Republicans and called for McConnell to hold off on the 3 p.m. cloture vote.  

“We are pleading with McConnell not to call this vote,” Sen. Dick Durbin (Ill.), the No. 2 Senate Democrat, said after the lunch. “It’s a serious mistake. We have not negotiated this to the point of agreement yet.” It's worthwhile to point out that Durbin has been in the Senate now for 160 years, dating back to when he and his buddy Abe usta split logs just for the fuck of it.

Sen. Doug Jones, a guy who only pops his head up outta his rabbit hole once a year and who is up for reelection in a deeply red state, said that the Senate needed to be “as unified as possible.”  “We don’t need split votes,” he said.

Sen. Ed Markey, a Dem from Massachewshits added that the proposal put forward by Republicans was “totally inadequate and contained entirely too many big words he couldn't pronounce.” 

If you own stocks and are considering selling some of them at this advanced stage of the decline, why don't you just jump in front of a fast-moving train instead and save us all some aggravation.

Trump activates National Guard in California, New York and Washington state. 

President Donald Trump on Sunday announced that he has activated the National Guard in California, New York and Washington state in order to combat the spread of the coronavirus. 

The administration emphasized that the deployment of guard members is not martial law. 

The state governors will retain command of the National Guard, but the Federal Emergency Management Agency will cover all costs of the missions to respond to the virus outbreak, the president said during a White House press briefing. 

I don't like it one bit.  

The idea of troops in the streets scares the fuck outta me. I've seen them in the streets of Newark, NJ, in the Virgin Islands after Hurricanes and in the streets of Belfast and Derry in Northern Ireland.  

Nothing good ever comes of having armed troops in the streets. Ever.


I have gout. I've told ya this already.
 That's why I take two of these every single day. Haven't had a flair-up in three years. The shit works.

Here's an article explaining how and why it does work as good as it does:

Here's where you can get it for yourself.
 You can thank me later:


Meanwhile, here in Florida, the Miami Herald is busting the Governor's balls, saying he should act 'like you give a damn' 
The Miami Herald’s editorial board on Sunday criticized Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’s (R) response to the coronavirus crisis, urging him to act “like you give a damn” . In an editorial, the board condemned DeSantis as a “timid leader in the face of the growing scourge” of COVID-19 cases, saying he is “working overtime to preserve our status as the world’s leading exporter of political comedy.”

What does this chart tell ya? 
All the idiots are in So. Florida.

The editors also encouraged the governor to look to California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D), New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) and Connecticut Gov. Ned Lamont (D) for advice on taking “decisive actions.”

In other words, he should act like the three clown circus of these loons and shut everything down and lock people in their house. Fuck you Herald. That simple. Fuck you.


My friend Joe Trojak makes these sauces. 

 They're the fuckin' tits. Seriously.
 You can find him on FaceBook at  





Fuck leavin' the house - hell some of ya can't even if you wanna. 
Order whatever you want from Amazon and they'll deliver for free - like free no cost and free no contaminant shit.

Click on the banner to start:





NYC restaurants stop offering takeout due to coronavirus crisis




The ad for the very first store opening.



Really? Like Bull Durham wasn't the best?

 Or better yet, the Babe Ruth Story with William Bendix as the Babe? 
Okay, maybe the Babe movie really did suck, but still, the Sandlot?

 Who the fuck are these people that are voting?

A smoke break at in Manhattan


At New York prison, Harvey Weinstein put in isolation after contracting virus

How long ya think this fat fuck is gonna last in the slam?

I've said it before and I'll say it again - I fuckin' HATE politics. BUT. Again we're faced with a ridiculous choice from one of the two parties, so fuck it. I'm throwing my hat in. This hat.



And this just in from the 'Just Fuckin' Shoot Me' Department:

 Neil Diamond offered a free performance of his hit song "Sweet Caroline," except it had a few updated lyrics more fitting amid the coronavirus outbreak. Diamond uploaded a video on social media early Sunday morning showing him with his guitar next to a fireplace accompanied by his dog.

"Hi everybody. This is Neil Diamond and I know we're going through a rough time right now, but I love ya, and I think if we all sing together, well, we'll feel just a little bit better. Give it a try, okay?" Diamond requested. The artist began performing the sing-a-long favorite, but fans of his would quickly notice that he gave some of the words to "Sweet Caroline" a coronavirus twist.

"Hands... washing hands... reaching out... don't touch me... I won't touch you," Diamond sang before the unchanged chorus.

'Gimme five if you think Neil Diamond's a fuckin' tool'...

What's behind those eyes - heaven maybe?


I know it's a repost. Shut up. It's funny

The boardwalk in Wildwood, NJ. If ya never been there, you have no idea how cool this place is for kids.

Ya gets what ya votes for asshats.

There gonna start lockin' people up pretty soon. That's when the gunfights should start. Not a good thing.




  1. About having gout. It's terrible. My doc said it's one of the most painful forms of arthritis. I had it bad for about 5 years. Then I got divorced, haven't had it since. Go figure.

    1. I'd read that stress can bring on an outbreak.

  2. Re: Neil Diamond: I'd have to say that Obama sending James Taylor to France with John Kerry after a terrorist attack to sing "You've Got A Friend" tops Neil's cognitive cluelessness

  3. That "The Sandlot" got voted the best movie about baseball? I totally agree. That movie is all about the joy of the game, the youthful desire for nothing but to play. Unlike other movies that have entanglements about relationships, or money, or what ever, "The Sandlot" is about the joy of the game and friendships.

    1. Think I gotta stick with The babe Ruth Story. Without question one of the worst movies ever made, not just worst baseball maovie. THAT is why it's the best. Comprence?

  4. So, the Veterans hat is made in China. Nice, especially in light of the threat they made a week or so ago about cutting off shipments of antibiotics to the USA. Not only that, there's a lot of us vets out here that didn't earn ALL of those medals. I only earned one.

    On another note, that gif at the end with the kid drinking the soda through the straw is PRICELESS!!! That one should reappear every month or so. I almost croaked I laughed so hard. Thanks!!!


    1. I posted that on Facebook this morning also - with the caption 'I just got finished watching the news'...


'I have a bad feeling about this, Bradley...'

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