Tuesday, March 24, 2020

If we don't do it, no one will

Every single elected official in Washington - on both sides - has to go. Period... 

Here's how House Democrats 
think they'll be helping you and me 
fight the coronovirus:

If airlines are going to get billions of dollars in loans under the bill, Democrats say they need to cut their carbon emissions in half by 2050. The House’s measure would also kick in $1 billion to help develop sustainable fuels for planes and create a program for the government to buy less-efficient aircraft, à la “cash-for-clunkers.”

The Democratic plan would also expand health insurance premium tax credits under the Affordable Care Act and beef up the Earned Income Tax Credit, the Child Tax Credit and the Dependent Care Credit.

The House bill also limits executive pay and stock buybacks, as well as imposing lobbying restrictions.

Democrats are calling for $60 billion in emergency assistance to go out for education initiatives.

By doing away with a mandate that the FCC sell off the T-band, the plan Democrats are pushing would make winners out of first responders in the ongoing fight over auctioning the spectrum they use for emergency communications.

Please tell me how any of that gets in to the discussion in any way. These people are fucking with your life here and you don't know it.



It said 'The one that stayed away saved the rest'. I like that.


Have you seen this? It's pretty frickin' scary.

Social distancing Pooh style.


I dropped my coffee maker  in the kitchen the other day and it exploded into about 400 pieces. 

I've had that piecashit for 20 years at least. Anyway, I hadda make coffee with the French Press we keep as a stash in the pantry closet (I think we got it for Christmas back in the 80's). 

I loaded it up and did my thing, and damned if I don't tell ya that was the best cuppa fuckin' coffee I've had - maybe fuckin' EVER. I swear to god I kid you not. Maybe it was the novelty of the press but I doubt it. I had ordered this coffee online a coupla weeks ago  and yesterday was the first time I broke it open. 

This shit is fuckin' insane good. 
Ya gotta try it yourselves.

You can get some for yourself here:


Edward Hopper’s Nighthawks

Edward Hopper’s Nighthawks - The 2020 Edition



South City Midnight Lady live.

You can never have too much Doobies.


Florida Keys closed to non-residents 

The Keys, which are linked by a single highway to the state, have been closed to non-residents since March 22. The unprecedented move is a major blow to the tourism industry.

 Government officials in the Keys say they have to protect the health and safety of residents, many of whom are elderly.

The Seven Mile Bridge. 
I wanna live on that little island.


Say goodbye to Bedrock City this summer 
before it fades into prehistory

The Arizona hometown of the Flintstones will enjoy one last summer as a rock star. Bedrock City, a strange little roadside attraction in northern Arizona, will remain in its original Stone Age state so fans can bid a fond farewell, its new owner says.

And if all goes as planned, Troy Morris said, visitors saying goodbye to Bedrock will also say hello to Raptor Ranch, the property's next incarnation. Falcons will be on display in between flying demonstrations, heralding the park's future.

Just don't expect too much too soon, Morris warned on Tuesday. His fully realized version of Raptor Ranch likely is five years away. “There is just so much to do,” he said.

Killing off Fred and Barney to do some dinosaur shit. Jeez...


This is Nancy Sinatra.  

I've known a dozen or so women that looked like her. 
They were all - to a one - all batshit fuckin' crazy.


Didja ever figure out what 'happy' tastes like?

My wife bought me a new mug yesterday. She's a funny sort.


I have gout. I see that quite a few of you have responded favorably to my posting about this. Frankly, I'm glad I'm not alone with this bullshit. 

 There's only one thing I've found that does any kinda good at all - it's this stuff.  That's why I take two of these every single day. Haven't had a flair-up in three years. The shit works.

Here's where you can get it for yourself.
 You can thank me later:



Man dies after self-medicating with chloroquine phosphate to treat coronavirus


The things people will celebrate. Jeez.

It'll be happenin' soon.


Florida politician says coronavirus cured 
by blowing hairdryer up nose 


The Yankees had been scheduled to open their season in Baltimore on Thursday before spring training was canceled and the start of the regular season delayed indefinitely. Is there a stadium anywhere more iconic than this one?

I keep a relatively tidy shop and my truck is ridiculously organized. I have two of these bags in the truck - one for electrical tools and one with plumbing stuff.
They're super handy.

It's really cheap at under 13 bucks. It's here:



I'm from New Jersey. In Jersey, people run towards a streetfight, a car accident,  a house fire, a plane crash or any other major fuck up. They run from nuns and Jehovahs Witnesses.

I had a dog that stupid when I was a kid. 
He was a black dog. - a mutt. I named him Brownie. 
He ran away about six months later. Fuckin' ingrate. 
Fuck that dog.

Why do these fuckin' morons even exist?


It's a rainy day in Paris in 1964. 
Of course this is the way everyone who's anyone stands around.



She is almost perfect. 
If her Daddy was rich...


Those who violate N.J. lockdown orders to be prosecuted, officials say. ‘The time for warning is over.’



Stuck in the house? 
Of course you are - we all are. 

Do what I do - order the shit on line and Amazon'll deliver it to ya.

 Save yourself some serious aggravation - and some serious cash. 

Take a look: 


  1. Good morning from the wet, stay at home NW part of the lower 48! The Governor of Washington state yesterday issued a stay at home order staring at midnight tonight. Store, doctor & essential job travel are ok.

    A lot of your blog got my attention this morning, let's see if I can remember what I said as I went through it!

    Our politicians seem to keep getting worse, why can't they stop adding personal projects to the help bill? They are not interested in the help part, just in getting what they want.
    I think you're correct with the "vote all the incumbents out" campaign.
    I also think bailout money ought to be for keeping the workers paid, this plague will end and life will continue, having your workers still there will be huge! It's not for corporate bonuses or stock buy backs. Like the NY Post says, "Get out of the way!"

    That Dean Koontz book from 1981 is odd odd odd...

    I used a French press for awhile, good coffee but I disliked the clean up. I'm using a cone & filter now (the last 8 or 9 years), the cone has a stopper so the coffee can brew for a few minutes, putting it on the cup opens the stopper. Clean up is tossing the filter. Coffee is good!

    The Keys are closed...bummer. I was on Key West last winter, I bought a lottery ticket because I liked it there and that was the only way I could afford to buy a place :-)
    Tropical island life and I can drive away if I want to!

    "Happy taste"? That's the ice cold Squirt right out of the bottle! That was a long time ago...

    I'm taking the Black Cherry caps, I think they help. But stress makes mine flare up... Judging by my feet these days I'm stressed most of the time.

    That guy took that fish pesticide and died, I read one place that blamed it on Trump. Well Trump=Bad to most of the MSM so I guess that was not a surprise.

    I've been using the small tool bags from Harbor Freight since my issue tool bag wore out (took 20 years). Not as good as the issue bag, lighter material but it works. I do miss my old tool bag...

    I'm sorry to point it out but the Kardashian's exist because people pay attention to them ...

    Violating lock down orders? I read that in Italy if they found you off your written path (home to grocery story & back home via "this" route) they locked you up for 90 days... Go directly to jail, do not pass go, do not collect $200. They said there were 700+ people locked up for that. They were starting to get sick in jail & were rethinking it.

    Half of what I look for on Amazon is out of stock...

    Take care & good luck with your follower campaign!

  2. Thanks Rob. If the black cherry isn't kicking in yet just up the dosage. Like I said it doesn't do anything else but the Uric acid thing. Thanks for the comments!


Every time I listen to people like JB Pritsker, my brain bleeds a little more...

  Illi'noise' Governor JB Pritzker - a billionaire by birth and nothing more of his own doing - was on Sunday's CNN’s “State of ...