Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Help - I'm quarantined and I can't get up...

Stop using big words 
and just say what you mean... 







This'll sit nicely on the breakfront -
Here's the link:



Seven more and the dough goes in the mail. 
Why would you not wanna be in on this?




This is cool - a friend of mine has one similar 
to this one out on his patio bar.



Maybe I could invite her over for a beer - wuddya think?






I wouldn't mind having a few (okay more than a few)cocktails with Miss Taylor.





The stay at home orders are getting crazier every day. 
Now more then ever this makes sense.   

We've been doing it for 4 weeks now
since all this shit started.

Order your stuff online and let them bring it all to you!

Here's the Amazon link:

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