Friday, February 7, 2020

Why do I drink as much as I do?

Because I can, that's why... 

Damn - talk about backwash...

That's what my bartender does every time she digs one out of the cooler for me...


There's a head joke in there somewhere...


Looks like a booth at a gay bar to me.

Wanna try making your own beer at home?
This is a great starter kit. 

Click on the picture for more info:


Girl that can drink like that? Marry her..

I'm drinking to forget my company's ban on drinking on the job...

The tats are stupid but I like his style...

Need a jobsite, beach or camping radio?
Check this one out at a great price:


Yeah. That's never, ever happened - at least to me.



I don't care what's in the shaker - just count me in...


I'll see your Coronavirus and raise you this one...

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An after dinner treat from Twisted Hillbilly...

...      Order by tonight and have them  for her for St. Patrick's Day partying...   Click on either picture for more information on the...