Friday, February 7, 2020

It's a scary, dangerous world out there

Even Pizza will kill ya if ya give it a chance... 

Who knew a slice of pie could be so dangerous?

The number of hospitalizations in the United States involving pizza rocketed by more than 50% in 2018, compared to the previous year.

Whether it was caused by falling upstairs while carrying a delivery or someone slashing a finger with a pizza cutter, there were no fewer than 3,800 visits to the ER two years ago related to the tasty Italian food. That figure compares to 2,300 injuries in 2017.

The statistics come from medical service provider Babylon Health in honor of National Pizza Day on Sunday Feb. 9. The 2018 figures mark the highest number of injuries since the company started counting them. The company analyzed data from the National Electronic Injury Surveillance System, which is run by the US Consumer Product Safety Commission.

Findings were based on medical records from an extrapolated sample of 100 emergency departments across the country in which the word “pizza” was included in doctors’ notes.

The unfortunate pie-related cases in 2018 included a 17-year-old man poking the roof of his mouth with a fork while eating pizza, an 18-year-old woman swallowing her tongue ring after feasting on a slice and a 21-year-old woman preparing a pizza who slipped with a bread knife in her hand.



I know you've probably seen this somewhere, but I gotta post it for that ONE reader who hasn't. This is pretty funny...

I really can see him doing this...

An Indian guy carries his wife's severed HEAD through the streets after beheading her. 

(Warning - fairly graphic content)

A husband has been filmed parading his wife's severed head through the streets after decapitating her in India. The graphic footage shows 30-year-old Akhilesh Rawat carrying the bloodied head of his wife Rajani, 26, following a shocking attack in the village of Bahadurpur, Uttar Pradesh, in the country's north.  

The video shows Rawat waving to crowds as he wanders past screaming onlookers. He walked for several hundred yards before he was apprehended by police, when he bizarrely broke into song, singing the national anthem and patriotic chants.

That's about as sick a muthafucka as ya ever wanna see...



Miami strippers may have been stiffed boatloads of Super Bowl tips

Sunday wasn’t so super after all for these Miami strippers.

Dancers who appeared to be ankle-deep in cash from Super Bowl celebrations were apparently stiffed by the jiggle joint, according to a report.

The women didn’t take home most of the money blanketing the floors of the unnamed Magic City strip club, one of the exotic dancers told Barstool Sports.

The dancer, who wasn’t identified, said the club pulled a fast one on its performers — promising that a cool million would be thrown around on game day, the sports blog reported.

When the night was over, the club insisted that the boatloads of cash only amounted to $177,000, she said. “They were supposed to throw a [million] but they only counted 360k then it went down to 117k ?” she wrote on Instagram. “I think they finessed us. [Because] we font [sic] know the exact amount counted.” She claimed that at one point, the joint tried to send her home with a $50 deficit from the night.

The girls PAY to dance there?

“They tried to send us home with $300 after the split but we paid $350 to dance,” she said. “So everyone raised hell and we got $1,100 each. After being forced to be there for 15 hours.”  The strip joint made headlines after footage circulated of dancers sauntering around piles of cash on the stage, as football fans partied after the Kansas City Chiefs’ win over the San Francisco 49ers on Sunday.

Speaking of pizza...

How about this pizza stone - it even has handles. Good price, too. 

Check this thing out:


Speaking of strippers...

This poor idiot bastard is gonna get skewered eventually.

Hunter Biden’s ‘baby mama’ Lunden Roberts was stripper at club he frequented 

The woman suing Hunter Biden for paternity was a stripper at a Washington, DC, club he frequented around the time he was dating his brother’s widow, sources told The Post. Biden was repeatedly seen at the Mpire Club in the capital’s historic Dupont Circle neighborhood — where Lunden Alexis Roberts, the mother of his alleged love child, worked under the stage name “Dallas,” the sources said.

“He was well-known,” a source said of Biden, the son of former Vice President Joe Biden, the Democratic front-runner to challenge President Trump next year.

Several Mpire workers said they recognized Roberts, 28, who last week filed court papers that say DNA testing proved Hunter, 49, fathered the child she gave birth to in August 2018. Roberts worked there around the time she got pregnant — and when Hunter broke up with former sister-in-law Hallie Biden, the widow of his brother, the late Delaware Attorney General Beau Biden, sources said.


Still speaking of strippers... 




Dumb fat fuck. Jeez.

Still speaking of strippers... 

Ex-stripper scores six-figure inheritance from dead customer

An ex-stripper scored a six-figure inheritance left by an HBO executive she’d met just months before his death — beating back a challenge from his family. Bodacious bottle blonde Veronica Beckham, 34, said she became “friends” with the cable network’s obese IT director, Micky Liu, after meeting him at the Atlantic City Scores strip club in July 2014.

Less than a year later, Liu, 50, was found dead in his Manhattan apartment.

Her “everlasting friendship” with the diabetic, heart-diseased, chronic alcoholic is why, Beckham says, he named her the beneficiary of his retirement accounts and a life insurance policy worth a combined $223,000. Micky’s sister, May Liu, however, claims “Beckham, as a professional exotic dancer, was adept at applying and using coercion and manipulation upon men.”

Beckham “preyed upon Micky Liu’s vulnerability by exerting influence over him in the form of moral coercion,” May Liu charged in her Manhattan Surrogate’s Court suit. He signed off on the transfers between October 2014 and January 2015. By then, it appeared that Beckham and Liu were no longer pals.

“I miss you,” he wrote her in a Jan. 20 email. “Why is it taking you so long to get your phone replaced? Money? Need some? I’m not used to not being able to contact you.” Despite the sister’s accusations, Beckham claimed in a deposition they never had a sexual relationship: “We had more of an everlasting friendship.’’

Justice Rita Mella said there was nothing she could do because only prior beneficiaries — in this case, the exec’s former girlfriend — could sue for the funds. 

Now, c'mon - that's pretty funny.

Can't you just say 'Pass me a roll, please?


Still speaking of strippers - this is a real thing over there?

 China cracks down on 'funeral strippers' 

A stripper dances at a guy's funeral somewhere in Chinkland.

China officials have launched its latest crackdown on funeral strippers. Yes, funeral strippers.

The country’s Ministry of Culture announced late last month that it will be targeting a slew of rural provinces “for their obscene and vulgar performances at weddings, funerals and temple fairs,” China’s state-run Global Times newspaper reported.

As part of the new crackdown, a special “hotline” will be set up for the public to report any “funeral misdeeds” in exchange for a monetary reward, according to news outlet.

It has been a longtime tradition in rural China for residents to hire strippers to partake in bawdy performances at funerals in order to attract a larger attendance of mourners. Those locals believe that a high turnout at funerals is a sign of honor for the dead.

This would make a great gift for somebody, but I think you'd end up keeping it for yourself. 

Helluva price, too - take a look:




 This old whale fossil found in the Sahara Desert is said to be a few MILLION years old In the DESERT. Repeat that a few times to yourself.



Princess Di look alike contest at The “Champion Sports Bar” in Washington D.C. (1985) Ms. Marilyn Murray (# 18)…to the far right, was the winner.

These friggin' Arabs got some imaginations, don't they?


That's some scary shit, boy...

Think about the implications in this.

There's about eight levels of fucked up going in this story, not the least of which is 'Who gives a flying rat's ass fuck about what Snooperman thinks about Oprah and Harvey Weinsteenberg?


Time to go...


Remember dude - 
It'll Be Valentine's Day in a week. 

Pull the trigger - get her a gift card so she can pick out her own shit. 
You can get one here:  


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And they say WE drink alot?

This is a map of all of the pubs in the UK -  including  England, Scotland and Northern Ireland...     I don't care if it's true or ...