Tuesday, February 4, 2020

I had a boss once who loved this saying...

You could fuck up a one-car funeral.

I think he meant the Dems but he was always looking at me 
whenever he said it.


This is frikkin' hilarious.


I find this to be a very disturbing question.

Really - shouldn't they be forced to recuse themselves?

And people say I have too much free time, right?

Saturday Evening Post, 1954. Humor is sometimes timeless.

This scares me for a variety of reasons:


Senator Bernie Sanders is in the lead by some distance in the 2020 New Hampshire primary, according to a poll of voters in the state, and is now ahead among moderates and conservatives as well as liberals.

The 7 News/Emerson College Polling Tracker puts the Vermont independent at 29 percent in New Hampshire, a "commanding lead" over former vice president Joe Biden in second place at 14 percent.

I'm not a big fan of tattoos myself - especially on fat chicks, which seems to be de rigueur here in North Central Florida.

Another one bites the dust. 

The Asheville-based natural and organic grocery store and supermarket Earth Fare announced Monday that it will close all of its stores and begin inventory liquidation sales at all outlets. During this time, the company will continue to pursue a sale of assets, in whole or in parts, the release said.

“Earth Fare has been proud to serve the natural and organic grocery market, and the decision to begin the process of closing our stores was not entered into lightly," officials said.

The company blamed the "difficult but necessary" decision to close on continued challenges in the retail industry that kept Earth Fare from financial growth as well as its ability to refinance its debt. "As a result, Earth Fare is not in a financial position to continue to operate on a go forward basis," the company said.

It was a ridiculous, high-minded concept grocery store that offered over-hyped, over-priced 'organic' and 'all-natural' bullshit. 

PLEASE just stop with this fucking nonsense already.

Anyway - this may ultimately be great news for me. They were building a brand-new store less then a mile from my house. 

The Earth Fare location in Lady Lake is in limbo after the grocery store chain announced it will be closing all of its stores.

With them going belly-up, rumor has it that the developer is now courting Trader Joe's to take the newly built store. THAT would be fucking awesome! Here's the story:


Do you guys carry a pocket knife like I do - and have been all of my life? 
I carry the slightly smaller version of this one - the Schrade 'Old-Timer'. 

What do you think of this one? It's almost 7" long:


Too sexy for the Super Bowl! 

Parents slam J-Lo's pole-dancing and Shakira's tongue-wagging half-time performances blasting that they were inappropriate for kids 

What's even considered 'appropriate' any more?

Take a good look at this picture - it's Mount Vesuvius from the Space Station. 
10 million idiots live withing ten miles of the mouth of that open wound - can you imagine if that thing pops off?


And then you have 2 frogs using a flower as an umbrella

If you haven't seen this before, this is a great idea to get for your wife or girlfriend's car. It really is:


NASA Astronaut Jessica Meir Took a Space Selfie, Capturing her Reflection in the Space Station. I think it's so fucking cool what these people do.

Ya gotta love New Jersey - this is an actual headline from NJ.com's website:

Which fans are the most obnoxious, Giants, Jets or Eagles? 
We put them to the test. 

The article is here: 


I just broke down and got one of these for the hand-tools that I need to keep with me in the truck. 

It's the first time I've been this organized in 40 years, I swear to God...



Our friend Kenny over at 

posted this a while back, and I thought it was worth sharing with you guys. Even as cool as it appears tro be, imagine doing that all day, every day of your life?

 Just shoot me now, please...


Some flea-market finds. I shoulda saved this picture for 'Throw-back Thursday' 'cause you ain't never ever gonna see this shit on the tables anymore.


Pornhub wants you to help save the environment, one… VIEW at a time? 

I can't even imagine how much money these guys must make doing this shit. It's everywhere you turn on the internet. Here's a link to the article: 


Wuddya think - think that's loud? Yikes...

Frank Sinatra as Private Angelo Maggio in a publicity portrait for the film 'From Here to Eternity'


Third world follies...


When my father was overseas (in the Pacific - on an LST in the Navy) during the war, my Mom & Dad were not yet engaged but my mother wore this pin proudly to keep the wolves at bay. Those were MUCH different times.

This is them the night they DID get engaged. He was a little goofy looking but her - my mother - was an absolute knockout. Classic Italian beauty she was.

In front of the Titanic Museum in Belfast, NI.

Betty Brosmer is an American bodybuilder (she's 85 now) and physical fitness expert. During the 1950's, she was the highest paid commercial model and pin-up girl in the US... She was married to fitness guru Joe Weider.





  1. Throw out those jumper cables. Good way to burn out computers on car being jumped. There are several companies that make a jump box using a dry cell battery. The problem is that the engine doing the jumping is usually reved up and it damages the car being jumped.

  2. You're talking to me, right? I thought for a second you were talking to my wife...

  3. I never cared for ink on me as well. I was one of the two who did not get ink when we got our jump wings. When I was single I found that women who smoked were easier to get into bed. I also discovered that women with tats had fewer inhibitions and daddy issues that could easily be exploited.


Here's one for ya, Auntie...