Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Bernie is crazy, but....

They say Bernie Sanders is consistent, but so is The Donald. 

Here he is 40 years ago:


  1. When he was running, he was not my 1st choice.

    I am SO HAPPY to be not only proven wrong, but BIGLY wrong!

    I LOVE that he fights. I love watching the lib's heads explode, almost daily.

  2. Given the choice in '16 of Hillary or him, I couldn't pull the trigger on either, so I wrote in Alfred E. Neuman.

    After the fact I appreciate what he does as President. He's still a bit baffoonish but if you judge a man on the quality of his choice in a wife, the guys a solid ten - like me. Or so they say.


Did Christmas put you in a hole too?

Rudolf’s nose isn’t the only thing in the red after this holiday season.  In fact, 36% of Americans took on debt for celebrations this seaso...