Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Tuesday ramblings - don't mind me.

Feel free to comment on anything you see here - whether you like it or don't. I appreciate the feedback.

If you have something you think I might enjoy or wanna share with our viewers, you can send it to me on my FB page - https://www.facebook.com/joe.jackson.14473




It's meant to be a metaphor. The Garden gate is purposefully left open for you 
so that you come back any time you can.


The face of an Academy Award winner. 
Imagine that.


Tattoos on girls are stupid. And the more they get the stupider they look.
Here in Florida the girls are tattoo crazy. Makes no sense. Especially the fat chicks. Yeesh.


Charles Schulz was a genius...


I was there the day they were shooting this on St. John. 
This chick was actually not that hot at all.


This chick is though - and she knows it! (I know it's a repost - shut up)


Boy ain't THAT the truth.


One of the greatest movie characters of all time. I find it almost impossible 
that there weren't any sequels to this movie.


And this is the face of an absolute goddess - and Academy Award winner.


This is relative to the video above but I'll never explain why.


Especially the news. It's all bullshit. Think about what they're telling you.
Do you really give a shit about who shot who or what they think of politics?
I don't.  You shouldn't.
Turn it OFF.


If you've never heard of Wakulla Springs, Florida, you gotta check it out. What a beautiful place - and a great funky little hotel there too.

Click on this link:

Wakulla's website


That musta been a fun day for somebody...


This is what religion does to you.


The author at 15.


A noteworthy HillBetty...

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