Saturday, March 15, 2025

The First Amendment Trumps all...

WEAR News3 - After a lengthy battle with Walton County officials over pro-Donald Trump banners on his Seagrove Beach home, Marvin Peavy won in court last week. He began hanging the massive banners in the fall of 2021. They included pro-Trump messages and anti-Biden messages, while another stumped for failed Georgia senate candidate Herschel Walker.
A Walton County magistrate ordered them down, attaching daily fines of $50 for allegedly violating a scenic corridor code. However, Peavy appealed that order, claiming the county code violated his first amendment right. As of last Wednesday, the saga is over, as Circuit Court Judge Jeffrey Lewis ruled that no fines or liens shall be assessed, asserted, collected, or established against the property. Peavy can keep hanging his banners without fines.
Freedom of speech wins again...


  1. Rickvid in the Yakima ValleyMarch 15, 2025 at 2:40 PM

    Free speech? No, no, no my friend, that is HATE speech! And we all stand for LOVE and against HATE, right? We are all about LOVE except for haters. Especially when it comes to Orange Man and ALL his minions. WE HATE THEM! They should all be rounded up put against a wall because they are HATEFUL and VIOLENT! AAAARRRGGGHHHH! HATE THE HATERS! DEATH TO HATERS! .... Whew, showing love like this is exhausting!

    1. Be cool with the 'death to' comments Rick. Big brother is watching, ya know. Only reason I allowed this is 'cause you're a stand-up guy as a rule. Luv ya, brutha...

    2. Rickvid in the Yakima ValleyMarch 15, 2025 at 11:19 PM

      Point taken, Joe. Um, here, how about, "STERN AND NASTY LOOKS TO HATERS!" Anyhow, off to my fave pub, run by an Irish guy, for the Big Weekend. Happy St. P's Day, Joe!

  2. Glad it worked out well for him

  3. Even though he won....he still lost. Because he's out all of his legal fees he had to pay to have his day in court. PLUS he had to help subsidize the lawyers on the county's side of the battle with the taxes he pays. So he lost TWICE. And this fiasco cost the county employees who abused his Rights NOTHING.


'I have a bad feeling about this, Bradley...'

...     Is your 'special lady' friend Irish? She'd probably love to have this... Click on the picture above for information on t...